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  1. Approval to proceed

    Ben McCall noted this morning that Mike Bass has approved the agreement to move forward with selling our carbon emission reductions from FY12, FY13, and FY14 to Chevy.  The Contract/Agreement Routing Form (CARF) is being routed now.  The actual amount of funding will depend on the number of tons of CO2e-reduction we can count.  Ben is negotiating with Chevy’s representatives to exclude the increased emissions due to Petascale.  Once they agree on a quantity of emission reductions, the Chevy contacts will work with Mike Marquissee in F&S to explain the UI tracking system for energy use before they will confirm the figure.

    Chevy’s explanation of the program is online here:

  2. Press release from Chevy about other partnerships

    Ball State U & Valencia College Partner with Chevrolet

    (United States): As part of Chevrolet's new initiative to eliminate eight million metric tons of carbon dioxide from entering the air over the next five years, the two schools were selected to use Chevy's new carbon-reduction performance methodology, which measures the "beyond-business-as-usual" carbon reductions. Chevy intends to then purchase these reductions as carbon credits. A geothermal system at Ball State University and four LEED buildings at Valencia College are eligible for the agreement.
    See also: Ball State U Press Release

  3. Program announced

    On 11/20/13 2:16 PM, Sue Hall wrote:

    Dear Evan

    As you may have already heard from colleagues who attended the AASHE 2013 conference this year, Chevrolet has been quietly announcing the fact that it is now making available new funding through its Campus Clean Energy Efficiency Campaign to support US campuses’ clean energy leadership.  ( See )  

    Since the University of Illinois at U-C, based upon your historical GHG performances shared publicly via your AUCPCC reports, has been such a strong leader in this domain, Eban Goodstein, Director of Environmental Policy Center at Bard, who is also one of several Chevy Environmental Advisors on this initiative, also strongly encouraged me to contact you.  Indeed, based on your historical PCC GHG performance, the University of Illinois at U-C may well be eligible for Chevy funding on a campus-wide basis.
    As a result, I would be more than glad to set up a time when we could discuss these Chevy funding opportunities further together to explore the fit with your university.  By way of a little further background, the Chevrolet funding is available to campuses whose GHG performance, based on their clean energy leadership, exceeds certain benchmark levels for either their LEED certified buildings or on a campus-wide basis.

     The details regarding these qualification criteria and other frequently asked questions can be found at one of our partner, USGBC’s, web site:
    For LEED buildings:
    For Campus-wide:

    I’ve also attached a brief overview summary in case you’d like to circulate this opportunity more readily to your colleagues.
    Current pilot projects at Ball State University and Valencia College have confirmed how compelling the business case can be to sell and transfer qualified carbon reductions (2012-14) to Chevy in order to enable campuses to deepen their clean energy leadership still further.

    So do let me know when you might be able to join a phone call together to see how this funding might be applicable to your campus.

    All the very best



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