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Projects Updates for Krannert Art Museum LEDs

  1. Krannert Art Museum LED Lamp Retrofit

    The Krannert Art Museum approached the Student Sustainability Committee with an immediate need to improve their lighting profile. This specific LED Lamp Retrofit project would switch from incandescent lamps to LED lamps in the Noel Gallery and the East Galleries. Given its variety of available lamps, its efficiency values, and its non-UV characteristics, LED lamps are an ideal solution for these galleries at Krannert Art Museum.

  2. DCEO grant information

    Associated Project(s): 

    All I need to know is the total number you have replaced and date completed.  The DCEO grant would reimburse $15/lamp.  I need the information by May 1 so we can submit our application.  If the project isn’t complete by then it will just have to be submitted on next year’s grant cycle.

    -Eva Sweeney, P.E., LC

  3. Working Group recommendations

    Associated Project(s): 
    Highlights Possible Issues Overall Working Group Recommendation WG Recommendation #2 (if applicable) 
    The Krannert Art Museum employs an average of 3-5 graduate students throughout the year in the Exhibits Department and they will help with the project.  Student switching lights may be an issue.  Approve  The could possibly seek outside incentives due to the small scale of the project, they may be able to cover upfront costs. 


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