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  1. iWG agenda May 2, 2017

  2. iWG meeting agenda March 28, 2017

  3. iWG meeting minutes March 28, 2017

  4. Sustainability interns continue work updating iCAP Portal project pages

    CEE students Chenxi Jiang and Shuang Chen are working with Morgan Johnston to edit the iCAP Portal project pages for each iCAP objective.  Chapters 8-12 do not have SWATeams, and the background research on these chapters has been completed.  The edited project pages are scheduled to be online by the end of March.  The next step is editing the iCAP objectives for each SWATeam chapter in the iCAP.  Chenxi and Shaung will be meeting with SWATeam representatives over the next few weeks to gather information, and then the project pages will be edited to reflect the latest info.  We expect to be able to complete this before Earth Day on April 22, 2017.

  5. Meeting with SWATeam Clerks about Project Editing

    The Sustainability Intern, Sarthak Prasad, met with the SWATeam Clerks Diliya Murtazina (ECBS), John Flanagan (EGEN), Carley Meeks (Water), and Alexia Bedolla (PWR) on Friday, October 7, 2016. Sarthak gave them an overview of the Project Updates, and gave a detailed tutorial for editing a project. 

    Two of the SWATeam Clerks, Joshua Feldman (Transportation) and Chibuihe Asonye (ALUFS), will be meeting with Sarthak on Thursday, October 13, 2016. 

  6. SWATeam Charge Letter for FY17


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