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Sustainability Working Advisory Teams (SWATeams) (In Progress)

Project History


In order to engage both subject matter experts across campus and interested members of the campus community, iSEE formed six topical Sustainability Working Advisory Teams (SWATeams). Each SWATeam consists of a core group of faculty, staff, and students who will do the detailed analysis, heavy lifting, and formulation of recommendations. The core group will be surrounded by a larger consultation group of experts and stakeholders from around campus to provide information, advice, and ideas the core group. Visit the iSEE website for the current SWATeam membership list, or fill in the online form to sign up as a consultation group member.

These groups are charged with formulating a plan to achieve iCAP goals, considering both short- and long-term aspects, and also with spawning actionable projects.


SWATeam Topics:

  1. Education SWATeam
  2. Energy SWATeam
  3. Transportation
  4. Land and Water SWATeam
  5. Zero Waste SWATeam
  6. Resilience Working Advisory Team (RWAT)

All the SWATeam Recommendations can be found in the Background section of the iWG project page and on the respective SWATeam Recommendations Summary projects. 

Website URL(s)

Project Team

  • Project Leader:

    Meredith Moore


  • Proposed January 6, 2014
    Proposed by Ben McCall
    Approved June 4, 2014
    Approved by Phyllis Wise
    Started March 10, 2014
    Started by Ben McCall
