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Projects Updates for Big Ten & Friends Sustainability

  1. ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes

    At the ECBS SWATeam meeting on October 17,  Big Ten and Friends Mechanical and Energy Conference was discussed. Meeting with Jill Maxey, Associate Director for Space Analysis on Zero Growth for UIUC campus occured on September 26. Green Labs program is currently in progress. Illini Lights Out project is expected to be approved on October 21 by Student Sustaibability Committee with $1000 funding.

  2. UIUC goals for Prospectus

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Big Ten and Friends Sustainability group is collaborating on a Prospectus about how sustainability helps the universities accomplish several of their missions.  Each participating school was asked to note their high-level and visionary goal for the Prospectus and the Big Ten group as a whole.  Sustainability staff at UIUC offered the following goals:

    What are your goals for using the outcomes of the Big Ten Prospectus at your institution?  “The University of Illinois Provost Office (budgetary authority) is interested in evaluating the appropriate funding model for our sustainability efforts, and we hope to use the outcomes from the Prospectus to help inform them about the importance and benefit of the overall sustainability efforts, and how it ties directly to the campus mission.”

    What potential (think big!) do you see for our network as a whole?  How can this work help us leverage regional impacts, move all of our institutions forward, etc.? “We have been making great strides in sustainability, but campus continues to elevate other mission priorities over sustainability when achieving these goals is considered cumbersome or unfeasible. We hope that through this Prospectus, the Big Ten and, subsequently, campuses across the nation will see that sustainability is a mission-critical goal, and will not proceed with any action until it can be made sustainable. Could we also partner on various efforts, from Carbon Credits to recycled paper purchases to RECs, etc. to save money and effort? We should also update the website at and”

  3. Google Drive metrics spreadsheet developed

    Associated Project(s): 

    Dear all, Happy Friday! A couple of updates: 

    • Partner Spreadsheet: Based on your feedback, I've created a google spreadsheet where you can share your notes, questions, progress, and metric selections with each other. I'll be including my notes from meetings with each of you as well.
    • Check-in Call: We received another great suggestion to hold a call part-way through the process to support collaboration and communication among partners. We're shooting for the week of April 18th.
    • Executive Leadership Summary: Next week, look for a 2-page executive summary of our progress on the Prospectus. We hope this document will help you initiate conversations with executive leadership allies at your institutions. More soon!

    Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions about the process. 


    Emilie (and Denice and Michael)

  4. Prospectus Data Request and Timeline

    Associated Project(s): 

    Dear Partners,  We hope this finds you well. After several conversations with the Metrics Working Group (see below for previous email detailing this process), we’ve developed a list of metrics aimed at measuring sustainability’s contribution to identified executive leadership priorities. We have framed the data request below with the following in mind:

    • Time and resources are scarce: In every conversation regarding data collection, regardless of the forum (e.g., Metrics Working Group meetings, conversations with partner institutions, pre-AASHE meetings), we’ve heard concerns about the time and resources a data request might require. With this in mind, we’ve worked very hard to develop: 1) a request that is reasonable in size and customizable based on the unique context of each of our schools, and 2) a collection window that is reasonable given how busy the spring is for all of us.
    • Process is more important than products: This request reflects the same investment in process and experimentation that has characterized the Prospectus to date. We have framed the data request to help us collectively explore the feasibility of collecting new metrics, the availability of data, and our preferences when offered choice. Instead of mandating a common set of metrics, we have prioritized a process that can provide us with strong examples of how/what data might be collected.  We believe this approach will best prepare us for conversations with executive leadership about how to move forward together.

    With these conditions in mind, we are asking each partner institution to do the following:

    • Based on the collection window (now-May 27, 2016), pick one metric for data collection within each priority area—six in total—from the attached spreadsheet. For each area, please choose between the following types of metrics:
      • Foundational quantitative: These are quantitative metrics most schools can reasonably collect in the window provided based on our estimates. These metrics may be new or they may rely on existing STARS data.
      • Aspirational quantitative: These are quantitative metrics we expect only a few schools will be able to collect in the window provided based on our estimates. We hope the innovators among us will already have started collecting (based on previous needs or projects), or will be willing to begin collecting data for these challenging, but potentially powerful metrics.
      • Create your own quantitative metric: Here we’re encouraging those of you who have not had the chance to provide input through the MWG or pre-AASHE meetings to develop or contribute innovative metrics for collection. We ask that you only use this option for strong, well-developed, outcome-oriented metrics.
      • Qualitative prompts: Here we have provided several prompts suggesting features or profiles on relevant figures, programs, or initiatives that help make an anecdotal case for sustainability’s contribution to mission level priorities. We encourage you to tell strong, bold, innovative stories here.
    • Ensure your overall metric set includes the following:
    • At least three quantitative metrics,
    • At least one quantitative metric developed during the Prospectus process (outlined in the spreadsheet), and
    • As many qualitative metrics as you like.
    • Define sustainability (i.e., sustainability-related) broadly and based on your best judgment. Use existing definitions (e.g., STARS) where they make sense or create new ones. For example, you may find it necessary to define sustainability-related disciplines differently than sustainability-related co-curricular activities.   .
    • Define your collection window for each metric based on your data availability. We’re not worried about comparability, so the period over which data was collected can vary from metric to metric.  
    • Document how and why you’ve made each collection decision.
    • Be creative and document your process:

    Again, you will find the metrics options attached. (The second tab lists definitions of all important terms.) Tomorrow, we’ll be holding a call from 2-3 PM EST to field initial questions. RSVP here to join. Emilie will be reaching out to each institution individually beginning next week. You will also find a calendar below roughly outlining the remainder of the project.

    We look forward to hearing your questions and feedback about this evolving process. And, please remember to RSVP for the Big Ten and Friends Sustainability Group Meet-up at the Smart and Sustainable Campuses Conference on April 3, 2016.


    Denice, Michael, and Emilie


    • March 10: Data collection begins
    • March 16-27: First partner institution check-ins with Emilie
    • March 23: Optional: Begin preliminary conversations with executive leadership allies (more information to come)
    • April 3: Pre-SSCC Big Ten and Friends Sustainability Group semi-annual meeting
    • April 18-29: Second partner institution check-ins with Emilie, Denice, and Michael
    • May 20: Preliminary Prospectus draft from Planning Team due to partners for feedback on structure/format
    • May 27: Data request due
    • June 1-July 1: Collaborate with partners on plans to utilize Prospectus findings at each institution (more information to come)
    • June 17: Second Prospectus draft due to partners for feedback
    • July 8: Final Prospectus draft due to partners
    • (TBD): Convene Big Ten executive leadership gathering through CIC
  5. Progress on governance structure, and BT Prospectus update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Dear Partner Institutions, We hope this email finds you well. We’re writing with updates about several ongoing/upcoming projects:

    1. RSVP for the Smart and Sustainable Conferences Meet-up: On Sunday, April 3rd from 5-7 PM we’ll hold our semi-annual Big Ten and Friends Sustainability Group (BTFSG) meeting at the Hyatt Regency Baltimore to discuss our governance structure and the Big Ten Prospectus, among other topics. As in Minneapolis, we plan to meet for dinner afterward as well. Please RSVP here. If you have a topic for discussion, please email Michael (
    2. Progress Toward Governance Structure: Michael, Erik Foley, and Leanne Bilodeau are reengaging the Governance Working Group to discuss potential structures and the development of a BTFSG charter. They will be reaching out this spring to collect feedback from BTFSG partner institutions. If you’re interested in participating in this discussion, email Michael (
    3. Big Ten Prospectus Update: The Planning Team has synthesized the feedback from the pre-AASHE meeting in Minneapolis and significantly narrowed down the outcome/metrics set for each priority area. On Monday, February 15th we met with the MWG to discuss their feedback on the outcomes and metrics, and this week the Planning Team is pulling together a final set of metrics for data collection. After considering the potential burden on partners, we hope to limit the request to no more than one metric per priority area (six total). Please look for a detailed project completion schedule with the data/feedback request next Wednesday, March 9th. No action is required at this time. For those of you interested, we’re sharing the draft resources compiled for the MWG to aid them in reviewing the narrowed outcome/metric sets. Please keep in mind that the draft resources presented here ask the MWG to narrow the bundle to a set of metrics for collection—again, since our conversation with the MWG, we have decided that only a few of these will be sent out for collection.
      • Process background and instructions: This two-pager explains the steps the Planning Team followed in synthesizing feedback and narrowing down the metrics set after the pre-AASHE meeting. It also provides review guidelines for the MWG. This (very roughly produced!) video also provides instructions. 
      • Priority area narratives: These six draft narratives provide: 1) rough background summarizing feedback collected during the pre-AASHE meeting, and 2) informal explanations of the narrowed set of outcomes and metrics, including areas where the Planning Team expressed reservations about a selection and needs specific feedback. Links to the each narrative can be found here:
      • Narrowed outcome and metric set: These two figures illustrate the outcomes and metrics for all priority areas:
      •  All outcomes selected for MWG review (download and zoom-in for increased visibility)
      • All outcomes and metrics selected for MWG review (download and zoom-in for increased visibility)

    Please let us know if you have any comments, questions, or concerns about the above. We hope to see you in Baltimore this April!

    Denice and Michael (and Emilie)

  6. Archived - previous project description

    Associated Project(s): 

    This project was previously called "Big Ten & Friends Environmental Stewardship Group" and had the following description:

    "Big Ten & Friends Environmental Stewardship Group began in 2009 as a group of individuals working together to discuss challenges and to work toward solutions to common environmental problems. The group meets in the spring and fall by video conference. Topics of discussion include energy conservation, financing strategies, transportation, renewable energy, and efficient laboratories. In addition to the schools of the Big Ten Conference, the University of Notre Dame, University of Chicago, University of Texas, University of Nebraska, and the University of California schools were also represented."


  7. Monthly update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Dear Colleagues:

    We hope this email finds you well. We are writing to provide you an update on the Big Ten Prospectus. Based on conversations with individual partner institutions, Metrics Working Group members, and progress made over the last month, we’ve determined we need to expand the metrics development process to allow for: 

    • Background research on mission level objectives and metrics: Two and a half weeks ago, the Metrics Working Group took a break from their work to allow Emilie to research desired institutional outcomes among executive leadership. Building on a strong foundation from our pre-AASHE conversation and a preliminary list of outcomes compiled by a Purdue student, she took two weeks to read strategic planning documents (e.g., presidential speeches, university-wide and campus specific strategic plans, sustainability reports) from our partner institutions. She will be reaching out to you in the next couple of days to inform you which documents she’s reviewed from your institution and request your suggestions for additional documents you feel should be reviewed. The next two weeks will be spent synthesizing this information into conference wide executive leadership outcomes, priority areas, and metrics. Final conclusions will be outlined in a 1-2 page summary document.
    • Communication with executive leadership: We hope the summary document can be used by each of you to initiate a conversation with one or more allies in executive leadership for the purposes of: 1) conveying basic project details, and 2) obtaining feedback on synthesized outcomes, priority areas, and metrics.
    • Additional time for metrics development: After some very helpful feedback from partner institutions, we’ve extended this process to allow our Metrics Working Group more time and support to build a set of metrics for the prospectus based on mission level outcomes and metrics, our metrics developed at the pre-AASHE meeting in Portland, and STARS.

    We’ve summarized these modifications in the attached graphic.

    Given these modifications to the process, we’ve extended the timeline for the project with the pre-AASHE meeting in Minneapolis now serving as a midpoint check-in for the project, and a potential meeting at the Smart and Sustainable Campuses Conference serving as the final project deadline. A summary of key dates can be found below.

    We will be touching base monthly to inform you of progress on the project, but we encourage you to reach out any time with comments or questions about the process.

    To-date, nine (9) partner institutions have committed to the Prospectus project by paying the invoice that was distributed by AASHE on our behalf.  We have a verbal commitment from several of the remaining institutions and hope that you can get the invoices paid by the end of the month.  Thank you for your continued support and participation.


    Michael, Denice, Liz, and Emilie



    Please find definitions for each stakeholder group at the bottom of the timeline.

    • July 22-August 3: Partner institution and executive leadership comment period for summary document
      • August 3: Deadline for partners institutions to submit comments
    • July 27-August 31: Metrics Working Group develops prospectus metrics
    • September 1-11: Partner institution comment period for metrics
    • September 14-October 16: Preliminary data requested from partner institutions
    • October 24: Pre-AASHE meeting in Minneapolis (RSVP here)
    • November 16: Final data due from partner institutions
    • December 21: Preliminary draft of prospectus due to planning team
    • January 11-February 2: Partner institution comment period for draft
    • February 8-26: Executive leadership comment period for revised draft
    • March 7: Final copy ready for publication
    • Early-April: Pre-SSCC conversation to discuss next steps


    • Partner Institutions: All institutions participating in the project
    • Executive Leadership: Executive leaders at the partner institutions
    • Metrics Working Group: A group of sustainability officers—from partner institutions—who have agreed to participate in the metric development process. Please note this group is open to anyone interested.
    • Consultant: Emilie Rex, former assistant director of sustainability at Indiana University, is serving as the consultant for the project
    • Planning Team: The planning team consists of Liz Christiansen (Iowa), Michael Gulich (Purdue), Denice Wardrop (Penn State), and Emilie Rex (project consultant)

    Michael J. Gulich, AIA, LEED

    Director of University Sustainability

    Purdue University

    Attached Files: 
  8. Prospectus

    Associated Project(s): 

    We are writing with an update on the Big Ten and Friends Sustainability Group’s effort to develop a prospectus with the working title “Aligning Sustainability with Leadership Priorities”. We are pleased to inform you that AASHE has agreed to handle financial arrangements for project, including invoicing all partner institutions and paying the consultant. We have reframed the original memorandum of understanding document into a scope of work, which we are attaching here for your review.

    ~ Michael Gulich, Director of University Sustainability, Purdue University

    Attached Files: 
  9. Campus Conservation Nationals (CCN) competition with peers

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Shane Stennes <> Date: November 6, 2013 at 11:37:26 AM CST To: "Johnston, Morgan B" <>, Lydia Vandenbergh <>, Matan Gill <>, Jennifer Battle <>, Tamm Hoggatt <> Cc: Chris Kelleher <>, Stacey White <>, Elizabeth Spotts <>, Emily Kossila <> Subject: Re: Campus Conservation Nationals   I'm glad to hear that there is interest. We've corresponded with the folks at CCN a bit about how to facilitate this and it sounds like they have a process that we can start working through in the next few weeks. Have any of you conducted an inter-university competition through CCN (or other means) before? If yes, any insights on how that went or what you'd recommend to make it successful would be appreciated.   As a starting point, I thought it might be helpful for all of us to identify the scope of our campus competitions and that might inform what we do for a competition among our schools. Here's what we are planning right now at the U of Minnesota: 11 residence halls participating, possibly 12 if we can figure out how to get their data into the system (leased property). We are currently planning to report electricity data only. Dates of competition will be February 17 - March 17. Baseline data would be gathered two weeks prior to competition. This may change a bit in the coming weeks, but it shouldn't shift much. What are all of you planning on your campuses?   Thanks,   Shane   Shane Stennes Interim Chief Administrative Officer, Facilities Management Sustainability Coordinator, University Services University of Minnesota   300 Donhowe Building 319 15th Avenue SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) 626-2588     On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Johnston, Morgan B <> wrote: I agree.    Sent from my mobile device   On Oct 31, 2013, at 11:18 AM, "Matan Gill" <> wrote:   Absolutely! UNL is already working with MSU's USGBC Student Chapter to arrange a competition. I think having all Big 10 schools compete is a great idea.     How do we move forward?    From: Shane Stennes <> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 11:13 AM To: Matan Gill; Lydia Vandenbergh; Jennifer Battle; Tamm Hoggatt; Morgan Johnston Cc: Chris Kelleher; Stacey White Subject: Campus Conservation Nationals   I see that all of our schools are registered for CCN. Any interest in having a little friendly competition among the Big 10 schools participating? Or maybe some head to head match ups?    Shane Stennes Interim Chief Administrative Officer, Facilities Management Sustainability Coordinator, University Services University of Minnesota   300 Donhowe Building 319 15th Avenue SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) 626-2588  

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