Batteries recycled from FY14 to FY16
Attached is the summary of costs for the single-use batteries recycled from FY14 to FY16.
Attached is the summary of costs for the single-use batteries recycled from FY14 to FY16.
University of Illinois Facilities & Services, in coordination with the Office of Sustainability, has developed a recycling program for single-use alkaline batteries. Battery recycling kits containing blue plastic pails were sent out to participants. Participants in the program simply fill the containers with used batteries and follow the instructions for securing and shipping once they are full. Tracking information is then recording on an excel sheet.
Recycling is done through an outside vendor, Battery Solutions. This vendor accepts single-use (AA, AAA, C, D, and 9V). Battery Solutions also accepts button cells and lithium primary batteries, but leaking lead acid batteries are not accepted and should be disposed of through the Division of Research Safety. Batteries should be individually bagged or have their terminals tapped before being placed in the Battery Solutions container. Each 55-pound container of batteries is sent through FedEx. The cost for the each container to complete the process is $84. The program is funded by Facilities & Services, as to not incur any costs to participating departments.
This differs from the previous plan, in which the campus only offered recycling for rechargeable batteries.
Initial campus recycling locations are at the Activities and Recreation Center (ARC), the Illini Union, the Physical Plant Services Building, and the School of Vet Med. Departments are encouraged and expected to use the recycling program, as well.
Facilities & Services has committed to funding a campus-wide battery recycling program, up to $10,000 per fiscal year. The program was launched in the Spring of 2012 with four locations on campus that accept specific types of rechargeable batteries as well as single-use alkaline batteries. Two vendors are used to collect and recycle the batteries: Call2Recycle, which accepts rechargeable batteries at no charge to the University; and Battery Solutions, which accepts single-use alkaline batteries and charges for collection.
F&S Environmental Compliance will no longer be tracking the total rechargeable battery recycling for campus. Individual departments can now work directly with Call2Recycle in order to recycle these rechargeable batteries.
The Energy Liaison Program Ambitious goals reflect the University’s commitment to sustainability - environmental, social and fiscal. Although energy conservation is a universal problem, its solution begins with individuals. Departments and colleges across campus have designated Energy Liaisons to promote energy conservation and share ideas and suggestions. Energy liaisons:
Creating Obtainable Goals
Examples: Short-Term Goals
The Energy Management Division of Facilities and Services initiated anEnergy Liaisons program in 2008. Departments, colleges, and other units across campus have designated Energy Liaisons to promote energy conservation and share ideas and suggestions. Facilities and Services regularly hosts workshops with the Energy Liaisons to discuss energy conservation opportunities. These Energy Liaisons serve as grassroots contacts for conservation initiatives.
Katie Kinley, with the Student Sustainability Committee, expressed interest in getting the CITES department to use rechargeable batteries in their equipment, rather than single use batteries. Morgan Johnston provided her with a contact name to initiate the discussion. It was also noted that CITES can receive SSC funding for projects, but we don't believe they have applied in the past.
Janet Spencer authorized an additional location for single-use battery recycling, at the Building Research Council.
After discussions with senior management in the Division of Research Safety we have decided that we (DRS) will continue to recommend trash disposal of alkaline batteries until the campus decides to adopt an alternate policy. We do not receive that many questions regarding the proper disposal of alkaline batteries from campus and we have removed all but two references regarding the disposal of the alkaline batteries from the DRS website.
This is an interesting study from MIT which you may already be aware of:
Landon Hill
Division of Research Safety
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Battery Recycling program containers were ordered in late February. The official launch of this program will be mid-spring.
The battery recycling program is being expanded to four locations across campus, for both rechargeable batteries and single-use alkaline batteries. Facilities & Services confirmed participation, developed a fact sheet and instructional kit for participating locations, and has committed to funding the program up to $10,000 each fiscal year. The containers for the program will be ordered in February.
The battery recycling program is being expanded to four locations across campus, for both rechargeable batteries and single-use alkaline batteries. Facilities & Services confirmed participation, developed a fact sheet and instructional kit for participating locations, and has committed to funding the program up to $10,000 each fiscal year. The containers for the program will be ordered in February.
Battery Recycling
Call2RecycleⓇ provides free collection boxes, pays for shipping, and accepts rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydride, Lithium Ion, and Small Sealed Lead batteries less than 11 lbs in weight. The Physical Plant Service Building began the Call2RecycleⓇ rechargeable battery and cell phone recycling program in October 2005. Rechargeable batteries are considered hazardous waste and must be recycled or disposed of according to EPA regulations. Facilities & Services has saved approximately $7,000 in disposal costs in the last six years.
SECS recieved funding from SSC for single-use battery recycling at the Union.
Reportedly, "The old student program at the Union collected 1600 pounds of batteries from April 2010 to February 2011 before it was suspended."
Energy details on display at Foellinger.
Energy details on display at Coordinated Science Lab.
Energy details on display at Altgeld.
Energy details on display at the Institute of Genomic Biology.
Energy details on display at Ice Arena.