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Projects Updates for collection: Bicycle Related Projects

  1. Creation of the Campus Bicycle Shop

    Associated Project(s): 

    In spring of 2009, discussions began between the University of Illinois and The Bike Project of Urbana-Champaign, regarding an on-campus bicycle shop.  Fred Davidson, Joel Gillespie, and Tony Cherolis were key representatives of The Bike Project.  Morgan Johnston, Steve Veazie, and Jeff Courson were key representatives of the UI.  The files attached here represent some of the effort that initiated this program.

    The original shop was called the Campus Bike Project.

  2. Bike Parking Funding Agreement

    The goal of this project is to fund installation of bicycle parking facilities at the Undergraduate Library, the Ag. Sciences Engineering Building and Freer Hall. Cycling is a sustainable form of transportation, highly used by the student body, and inadequately supported on campus. Thus the students sustainability committee is in favor of funding the full requested amount of $10,600.  


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