Weekly Update
All, The big event for last week was an unruly member who I had to kick out of the shop on Wednesday. Other than that, the week went smoothly.
Lily and I tabled at the Volunteer Fair in the Union on Tuesday. We got a dozen or so signatures (maybe more?) for general volunteer interest in the Campus Bike Center and help with Light The Night.
On Wednesday, I got a count of the bikes that we’ll be donating from the Bike Warehouse to Working Bikes. This year a portion of the bikes will be going to Houston to help with hurricane relief. Tally for the bikes was 332, give or take. I will be coordinating with Working Bikes and Parking this week to finalize a date.
This week is Light The Night on Tuesday. I will close the shop for the event. The signs for the event were dropped off on Friday.
The numbers:
Visitors: 131
Sales: $1,584.85
Memberships: 24 for $720
Bikes (Build-a-Bikes): 2 for $171
Bikes (Refurbished): 0
Tires/Tubes: 36 for $196
- Jake Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Manager