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CEE 598 SUS with Barbara Minsker

In this course, students will explore fundamental concepts of sustainability and resilience in urban systems through case studies, videos, panel discussions, and a hands-on team consulting project in Chicago or Champaign-Urbana. Projects have been solicited from governmental and non-governmental organizations; planned topics are:

Energy Liaisons

Departments and colleges across campus have designated energy liaisons to promote energy conservation practices. The liaisons receive guidance and training from our facilities professionsals, as well as peer liaisons. The facilities department has dedicated staff to assist the Energy Liaisons, as well as provided several materials for the motivation of behavior change.

Green Roof on the Business Instructional Facility (BIF)

A green roof was constructed on the Business Instructional Facility as part of the overall green initiatives used in the construction of that building. Rooftop over the auditorium and a 1200-square foot section on the fourth roof were constructed to be green roof. Unlike conventional flat roofs, green roofs have a layer of substrate in which native plants are grown. This roof type has several benefits. Firstly, less water is discharged since the substrate detains water instead of merely draining it. The water that is discharged is also cleaner, since the plants work as a filtration system.

Ground Mounted Solar PVs BRC Research Test Bed

Implementation of the Solar Research Test Bed is an important part of the research scope of the Illinois Center for a Smarter Electric Grid (ICSEG).  ICSEG’s research mission is to support the continuing development of the Smart Grid through research that tests and validates the trustworthiness (secure, reliable, private, resilient) of new components and systems that will be required to realize the full potential of the Smart Grid, and renewable energy systems such as wind and solar are critical to realizing this vision.

Illinois Green Government's Coordinating Council

The Center for a Sustainable Environment (CSE), formerly the Office of Sustainability (OS), serves as a campus designee on the Illinois Green Government's Coordinating Council. Serving on the council involves monthly meetings of the Green College and Universities subcommittee (GUCS) and the policy and legislation workgroup. Areas of discussion include the state plumbing code in regard to the use of grey water and waterless urinals, and the Governor's Executive Order No. 11 regarding the environmental impact of government operations, and reporting requirements for waste management.

Scholarship of Sustainability Series

The Center for a Sustainable Environment, formerly the Office of Sustainability, sponsors the Scholarship of Sustainability Series. The Scholarship of Sustainability Series: The Human Place in Nature is a ten-week long educational series than offers an in-depth investigation of the seminal literature surrounding sustainability. The series is open to faculty, staff, students, and the public. Students may also receive credit for participation in the series by enrolling on one of the five courses connected to the series. Hundreds of people attended each section of the series.

TBH Lighting Project

Temple Hoyne Buell Hall (TBH), built in 1996, was constructed to allow natural light into most classroom, studio, and office spaces in the building.  The building has no automatic lighting controls, however. In order to reduce energy use associated with lighting and cooling within the building, occupancy sensors, daylight sensors, and lighting timers will be installed. LED fixtures will be installed in a small part of the building and LED exit signs will replace the incandescent and fluorescent exit signs. is a mobile website created by Professor Ming Kuo’s Fall 2012 environmental psychology class. The website is meant to help cyclists in Champaign-Urbana get around more safely and efficiently, and to encourage more people to bike.

Features of the site includes resources for repairing your bike, resources about safety, information and tips from cyclists in Champaign-Urbana, and an interactive Google map that shows resources for cyclists.


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