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Huff Hall

1206 South Fourth Street
61820 Champaign , IL
United States

Projects at this location

Project Description
Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) Climate Action Plan

The Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) is interested in forming a climate action plan for their unit to support the 2015 Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP).  Masters student in CEE, Gopal Pareek, is working with sustainability staff to draft a climate action plan targeted to DIA-specific opportunities.

Decision Frameworks for Multi-Hazard Resilient and Sustainable Buildings (RSB)

The goal of the Decision Frameworks for Multi-Hazard Resilient and Sustainable Buildings (RSB) solicitation is to advance knowledge for new concepts for multi-hazard resilient and sustainable building systems using decision frameworks for selection among alternative building system designs

Infrastructure Security and Energy Restoration (ISER)

This program applyies the Department of Energy's technical expertise to help ensure the security, resiliency and survivability of key energy assets and critical energy infrastructure.

Building Technologies Office

The Building Technologies office leads a network of research and industry partners to continually develop innovative, cost-effective energy saving solutions in building design. Some of the relevant programs under the Building Technologies office include 

  1. Emerging Technologies
  2. Residential Building
Building Technologies Office

The Building Technologies office leads a network of research and industry partners to continually develop innovative, cost-effective energy saving solutions in building design. Some of the relevant programs under the Building Technologies office include 

  1. Emerging Technologies
  2. Residential Building
Structural and Architectural Engineering and Materials (SAEM)

SAEM aims to enable sustainable buildings and other structures that can be continuously occupied and/or operated during the structure’s useful life. The SAEM program supports fundamental research for advancing knowledge and innovation in structural and architectural engineering and materials that promotes a holistic approach to analysis and design, construction, operation, maintenance, retrofit, and repair of structures.

Civil Infrastructure Systems (CIS)

CIS supports fundamental and innovative research necessary for designing, constructing, managing, maintaining, operating and protecting efficient, resilient and sustainable civil infrastructure systems. Research that recognizes the role that these systems play in societal functioning and accounts for how human behavior and social organizations contribute to and affect the performance of these systems is encouraged. 

FY13 RCx

In FY13, Retrocommissioning was completed in three buildings.

Huff Hall, Khan Annex: LEED Silver

In February 2013, the Huff Hall Khan Annex acheived Silver LEED Certification status. 

Lighting Retrofit #5

In Lighting Retrofit #5 a total of 32,993 T-12 fixtures were replaced with thinner, more energy effiecient T-8 fixtures. This will incur a total Annual KWh  Savings of 5,414,849 hours. Fifty-five university buildings were involved in this part of the T-12 to T-8 Lighting Retrofit Project. The total Simple Payback is estimated to be 3.1 years.