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Metric: Full Time Employees for Sustainable Transportation

The 2015 iCAP, chapter 4, objective 6, is "Appropriately staff sustainable transportation efforts, especially through the hiring of an Active Transportation Coordinator." This metric tracks the full time equivalent (FTE) of employees working on sustainable transportation, starting with the creation of a Transportation Demand Management Coordinator position in FY08.

Metric Chart



Value Applicable Date Affirmed By Annotation
3.00 Jun 30 2019 Morgan White
2.50 Jun 30 2018 Morgan White
2.20 Jun 30 2017
1.40 Jun 30 2016
1.00 Jun 30 2015
1.50 Jun 30 2014
2.00 Jun 30 2013
1.70 Jun 30 2012
0.70 Jun 30 2011
0.50 Jun 30 2010
1.00 Jun 30 2009
1.00 Jun 30 2008


Plan Alignment: 2014 Bike Plan
Year Target Value
2016 2.00

Metric Topic

Tracking Date Type

Fiscal Year [July - June]

Key Objective(s)