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Increase use of Alternative Service Vehicles (Ongoing)

Project History

  • 4/13/2020

    F&S has used both GEM (8?) and e-Ride (2) electric service vehicles as well as 8 other small, gas powered Low Speed Vehicles (LSVs), 2 e


An alternative service vehicle (ASV) is any non-traditional vehicle, including mini trucks, electric vehicles, and hybrid vehicles.  The University currently uses ASV's for: 

  • Mail Distribution
  • Project Coordinators
  • Parking Enforcement
  • Generator Service
  • Locksmith
  • Route assignments (plumbers)



The University has a fleet of 227 passenger vehicles (carpool) and 275 service vehicles (truck pool), including alternative service vehicles. These vehicles provide transportation for crafts and trades in order to allow them to accomplish their mission.  

Project Team

  • Project Leader:

    Pete Varney
