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Key Objective: 12.3 Launch Thematic Research

The 2015 iCAP, chapter 12, objective 3 is, "Foster “actionable” research: to encourage and support research that provides real-world solutions to society’s grand challenges in sustainability, energy, and the environment. iSEE research themes are broken into five categories: Climate Solutions, Energy Transitions, Secure and Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Infrastructure, and Water and Land Stewardship."

Associated Metric

No metric specified for this objective

Potential Strategies

The near-term strategic objective for research is to identify and develop five or six innovative, interdisciplinary research projects at Illinois in one or more of the iSEE’s thematic areas to address fundamental challenges in sustainability, energy, and environment. One of iSEE’s primary missions is to support “actionable research” – science that progresses toward solutions to grand world challenges that can have near-immediate and lasting impact. To achieve this, iSEE will deploy Illinois’ world-renowned academic strengths and interdisciplinary collaboration under its five research themes. Research projects in three of these thematic areas – Water and Land Stewardship; Secure and Sustainable Agriculture, and Energy Transitions – were launched in 2014. Two or three more will be developed and funded in 2015.
