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Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Tank (Completed)


The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign built a Thermal Energy Storage (TES) tank for the Campus Chilled Water System
(CCWS). The tank is located on South Oak Street in Champaign, adjacent to the NCSA Petascale Computing Facility.

The 6.5 million gallon tank will help meet ~7,000 tons of additional cooling requirements for building projects being completed in 2010.
Anticipated loads include:

  • Ikenberry Student Dining and Residence Hall
  • NCSA Petascale Computing Facility
  • Remodeled Lincoln Hall

Also included are new loads for upcoming projects:

  • Remodel for Assembly Hall (in the planning stages)
  • New Electrical and Computer Engineering Building (currently in construction)

The TES project goal is to meet these needs without increasing the number of chillers.


Energy storage allows campus to use energy when costs are low at night and store the energy in the water until it is needed during the day.  This is an excellent project that is worth replicating.

Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Morgan White

    Project Leader:

    Kent Reifsteck


Project Location(s)

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