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iCAP Working Group (iWG) (In Progress)

Project History


As part of the Campus Sustainability Procedures approved in June 2014, the Illinois Climate Action Plan Working Group (iWG) was formed. It is made up of representatives from major stakeholder groups across campus, and it has been tasked with a) reviewing Sustainability Working Advisory Team recommendations and transmitting them to the affected units or the Sustainability Council, as appropriate; and b) initiating a process for revising the iCAP.

You can read more about the iCAP Working Group at the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) iWG page.

Recommended policies and initiatives will be developed by topical Sustainability Working Advisory Teams ( SWATeams ), convened by iSEE and consisting of faculty, staff, and students. These recommendations will be transmitted to an iCAP Working Group ( iWG ) comprised of mid-level administrators and faculty and student representatives. Small-scale suggestions will be transmitted by the iWG chair directly to impacted units. Mid-scale recommendations will be evaluated by the iWG and transmitted as formal recommendations to units. Large-scale recommendations (with major policy and/or financial implications) will be evaluated by the iWG and then forwarded to the Sustainability Council for approval. The Sustainability Council will approve, modify, reject, or request further study of large-scale recommendations. These groups will also be used for periodic updates to the iCAP: sections will be revised by SWATeams, integrated by the iWG , and then evaluated and approved by the Sustainability Council.


SWATeam Recommendations:

Education SWATeam Recommendations:

Resilience SWATeam Recommendations: 

Land and Water SWATeam Recommendations:

Zero Waste SWATeam Recommendations:

Energy SWATeam Recommendations: 

Transportation SWATeam Recommendations:

ECBS SWATeam Recommendations:

eGen SWATeam Recommendations:

Water and Stormwater SWATeam Recommendations:

PWR SWATeam Recommendations:

ALUFS SWATeam Recommendations:

iWG Recommendations:

Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Meredith Moore, iSEE

    Team Members:

    • Ximing Cai, iSEE
    • Morgan White, Facilities & Services
    • Alma Sealine, Auxiliaries
    • Matthew Tomaszewski, Provost Office
    • Joe Edwards, Student Sustainability Committee
    • John Dallesasse, Academic Senate
    • S. Renee Wiley, College Facilities
    • Sandy Yoo, System Office
    • Joey Kreiling, SSLC
    • Jonah Messinger, SSLC
    • Creen Ahmad, Illinois Student Government Environmental Sustainability Committee
    • Sarah Gediman, Student Sustainability Committee


  • Approved June 4, 2014
    Approved by Chancellor Wise
    Started June 15, 2014
    Started by Ben McCall
