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  1. committee meeting, Job Shadowing discussion

    Ed Choklek and Paul Matthews led a discussion about the Committee moving forward with creating a Job Shadowing Program for college and university students with USGBC Illinois members in 2014. Some of the college and university attendees chimed in with ideas, concerns and suggestions. After further discussion about logistics and timing, Paul Mathews agreed to have Tom Shelton send out a Doodle Poll to all Committee members to try and determine which months would work best for getting student involvement. Ed Choklek agreed to learn more about how the USGBC Missouri Gateway Chapter has done their Job Shadowing Program and will report back to the Committee on December 16. John Brophy and Paul Matthews will approach USGBC Illinois leadership to check on using USGBC Illinois Chapter Speakers’ Bureau members and USGBC Illinois Chapter Board of Directors for the 2014 Job Shadowing Program since these groups represent many different business sectors.

    Attached Files: 
  2. discussion about trailer needs

    Associated Project(s): 

    Craig Grant had an initial meeting with Kevin He from the student biodiesel group yesterday to hear his initial thoughts about building a biodiesel processing facility in a trailer. They have been unable to find another suitable facility for their program since they had to leave the ISTC facility on Hazelwood. They were looking at purchasing a mobile pre-manufactured set-up, but the company has since dropped the trailer systems. They want to construct their own system in a trailer using newer processing technologies, but many of the previous raised issues remain problems for them.

    Attached is a copy of their written “Initial Plan” for this endeavor. After listening to the presentation of the plan, Craig identified a number of significant issues that would need to be addressed to even consider the “trailer option” further. Obvious concerns included the approval of possible sites to park the trailer and operate the plant (including off-loading of WVO and storage of processed Biodiesel as well as glycerin processing for liquid soap). The need to take into consideration the approvals needed to be able to available electrical power supplies and connection methods, environmental precautions, etc. will also be significant criteria to be resolved.

    Attached Files: 
  3. Illinois Wins 2013 Governor's Sustainability Award!

    University of Illinois sustainability staff accepting the Illinois State Governor's Award

    The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Illinois) was one of 27 organizations , one of 4 educational institutions (Jefferson Middle School, Lewis & Clark Comm. College, UIC and UIUC) awarded the Governor’s Sustainability Award on October 29, 2013.  The Governor’s Award recognizes organizations for their demonstrated commitment to environmental excellence through outstanding and innovative sustainability practices.  Winners are selected through a rigorous process of review and examination.  Illinois was recognized for its efforts in the reduction of energy and water consumption, as well as for waste diversion. 


  4. Illinois Earns Gold Recognition from STARS!

    Illinois completed the STARS submission in June 2013. STARS is the most comprehensive sustainability rating system in the country.  The rating system is divided into 4 categories: education and research; operations; planning, administration and engagement; and innovation. STARS rates institutions on 5 levels: platinum, gold, silver, bronze and reporter. Illinois has achieved the Gold Level Recognition, and no institution thus far has achieved Platinum.  

    Attached Files: 
  5. LINC bike registration posters

    Associated Project(s): 

    In 2013, Egwin Avau and Maarten Baeten, from the Learning in Community UI Bikes class, created digital signs encouraging bicycle registration across campus.

    The dimensions are as follows:

    Housing: JPEG 1921 pixels wide x 827 pixels high

    Examples and more info:

    Campus Rec:  JPEG 1185 pixels wide x 885 pixels high

    More info:

    MTD has 2 sizes: JPEG 1080 pixels wide x 480 pixels tall,  and 540 pixels wide x 950 pixels tall
    *Most screens are vertically oriented (ad at the bottom) but two are horizontally oriented (ad on the right).

    More info:

    This is what they look like (see the little “be alert” yellow ad toward the bottom):


  6. Bike Theft Prevention Ideas from Peter Davis

    Associated Project(s): 

    Let's make C-U a bike thief Un-Friendly Community.

    I think that our local cycling community would benefit from a relatively simple system which would compile and distribute information on stolen bikes.  I gave it some thought last night and we discussed and refined a possible system at our weekly staff meeting this morning.  This is not a finished product and I'd welcome suggestions to improve it.  But here's the idea.

    The system would consist of three parts:

    1. An easy way for the owner to register their bike as stolen.
    2. A way to disseminate that information to appropriate people in our community.
    3. An accessible list of stolen bikes that people could refer to.

    Champaign Cycle is volunteering to set up and run this system.  We could implement it in the following manner:

      1.  Register your bike as stolen.

    The bike owner would email  (I'm changing this to with "Stolen Bike" as the subject and provide the information on the stolen bike.  We will develop an email form that they could fill out and email back.  That form would include:


    • *Serial Number
      • Check with the bike shop you bought the bike from.  They should have recorded the serial number and have that record for you.
    • *Brand
    • *Model
    • *Color
    • *Frame type (men's or women's frame)
    • *Bike Shop Sticker
    • *Distinctive Features (white aero wheels, yellow baby seat with frog stickers, 12" rusty scratch on top tube, black fenders and rear rack)
    • Size (frame size or wheel size)
    • Style (road, mountain, hybrid, cruiser, kids, etc)
    • Where it was purchased
    • Year Purchased
    • Date Stolen
    • Location of theft (First and John, Cherry Hills, UI Library)
    • Locked with (U lock, cable, chain, in garage, unlocked)
    • *Name
    • *Email
    • *Phone

    We would ask that the Police departments also submit their stolen reports so we could disseminate their information.

    All this information would help everyone identify the bike to help return it to its owner.  The information could also provide a view of how big a problem bike theft is and where and how bikes are stolen.

      2.  Dissemination of stolen bike information to interested parties.

    We would maintain an email list and we would send the information on the stolen bike to:

    • Police: Champaign, Sheriff, UI, Urbana
    • CCB eMail list
    • KMBC eMail list
    • PCC eMail list
    • UC Bike Ride eMail list
    • Bakers Bikes
    • Bike Project
    • Bikeworks
    • Durst Cycles - Urbana and Champaign
    • Itty Bitty Bike Shop
    • Neutral Cycle Workshop
    • The local pawn shops

       3.  Maintain an accessible list of stolen bikes.

    We would maintain a list of the stolen bikes on a page on our website to which anyone could refer at any time.  It would be under the Service Tab as Stolen Bikes.  The list would include all the stolen bikes reported to us and would be sortable by column of the categories listed on the report form.  So you'd be able to sort the list by brand, serial number, or whatever.  That way you wouldn't have to print out each report or keep a list which might be out of date. 

    So that's the system as we envision it.  We could have it up and running next week.  Any ideas on improving it would be welcome.  We don't suggest that this is a finished project.  It can evolve as we gain experience with it.  I would especially appreciate input from our Police departments.  I'd also be glad to hand this off to another organization, but we are happy to develop and maintain it.  I don't think it will be much of a job for our staff.  We've assigned a person to administer it.  The thing that will make it work and be effective is that we list all the stolen bikes.  So promoting notifying the system of your stolen bike is very important. 

    As this system became more widely used, and more widely known, it should act as a bicycle theft deterrent.  If prospective thieves know there is a system to register stolen bikes and that there are Police, bike shops, pawn shops, and individuals on the outlook for stolen bikes, it may make stealing less attractive.  Think of this as a Bicycle Community Watch.

    What do you think?

    Peter Davis
    Champaign Cycle

  7. Update from SSC

    After reviewing Nathan Deppe's application for a new cooling system in the Turner Hall greenhouses, we decided that the proposal showed much promise but also the need for further development. Nathan has agreed meet in person to discuss such matters at 3:00 PM on Tuesday in the atrium of Temple Buell Hall.    Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting; if you are interested, please send a quick email to let me know. If you cannot attend but still want to offer input or questions, you are welcome to send them my way and the information will be shared among us.    Thank you!   Amy Liu

  8. Indoor Air Quality info

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Radiation Safety Section of the Division of Research Safety addresses all matters relating to radiation safety on the campus.

    About campus radon policies, our approach is to use the EPA action levels as the standard for radon exposure. We do not have an ongoing testing program on campus, but when the issue was first raised many years ago there was a comprehensive testing program in campus buildings and they showed low radon levels. - David Scherer, Associate Director of the Radiation Section at the Division of Research Safety

  9. Next set Approved

    Associated Project(s): 

    Morgan talked with Amy and David today about this project.  They approve moving forward with the other buildings. They just want us to use good common sense when selecting water fountains worthy of the retrofits.  That is, if you think the fountain should be replaced at some time in the next few years, then don't put a glass filler on it.     We also discussed the issue of potentially changing the project scope to fund some Tap That marketing needs.  Also discussed doing additional fountains in the buildings around the main quad.

  10. Campus funding allocated for LED exit signs

    Associated Project(s): 

    The LED Campus commitment includes having all the interior wayfinding signs converted to LED by 2025.  This is primarily LED Exit Signs.   We had hoped to use the Revolving Loan Fund to implement another phase of the LED Exit Sign project.  However, that funding is only applicable if there is a reasonable payback through utility savings.  LED Exit Signs have a good payback, but not through Utilities.  The savings come from reduced maintenance, which also provides a reasonable payback.   Given the shortfall in maintenance funding and the Chancellor’s commitment to becoming an LED campus, Mike Andrechak agreed to provide $100,000 per year for two years toward LED Exit Signs.  This funding could be continued in future years, subject to funding approval.

  11. Campus Conservation Nationals (CCN) competition with peers

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Shane Stennes <> Date: November 6, 2013 at 11:37:26 AM CST To: "Johnston, Morgan B" <>, Lydia Vandenbergh <>, Matan Gill <>, Jennifer Battle <>, Tamm Hoggatt <> Cc: Chris Kelleher <>, Stacey White <>, Elizabeth Spotts <>, Emily Kossila <> Subject: Re: Campus Conservation Nationals   I'm glad to hear that there is interest. We've corresponded with the folks at CCN a bit about how to facilitate this and it sounds like they have a process that we can start working through in the next few weeks. Have any of you conducted an inter-university competition through CCN (or other means) before? If yes, any insights on how that went or what you'd recommend to make it successful would be appreciated.   As a starting point, I thought it might be helpful for all of us to identify the scope of our campus competitions and that might inform what we do for a competition among our schools. Here's what we are planning right now at the U of Minnesota: 11 residence halls participating, possibly 12 if we can figure out how to get their data into the system (leased property). We are currently planning to report electricity data only. Dates of competition will be February 17 - March 17. Baseline data would be gathered two weeks prior to competition. This may change a bit in the coming weeks, but it shouldn't shift much. What are all of you planning on your campuses?   Thanks,   Shane   Shane Stennes Interim Chief Administrative Officer, Facilities Management Sustainability Coordinator, University Services University of Minnesota   300 Donhowe Building 319 15th Avenue SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) 626-2588     On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Johnston, Morgan B <> wrote: I agree.    Sent from my mobile device   On Oct 31, 2013, at 11:18 AM, "Matan Gill" <> wrote:   Absolutely! UNL is already working with MSU's USGBC Student Chapter to arrange a competition. I think having all Big 10 schools compete is a great idea.     How do we move forward?    From: Shane Stennes <> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 11:13 AM To: Matan Gill; Lydia Vandenbergh; Jennifer Battle; Tamm Hoggatt; Morgan Johnston Cc: Chris Kelleher; Stacey White Subject: Campus Conservation Nationals   I see that all of our schools are registered for CCN. Any interest in having a little friendly competition among the Big 10 schools participating? Or maybe some head to head match ups?    Shane Stennes Interim Chief Administrative Officer, Facilities Management Sustainability Coordinator, University Services University of Minnesota   300 Donhowe Building 319 15th Avenue SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) 626-2588  

  12. Working Group recommendations

    Associated Project(s): 
    Highlights Possible Issues Overall Working Group Recommendation WG Recommendation #2 (if applicable) 
    The Krannert Art Museum employs an average of 3-5 graduate students throughout the year in the Exhibits Department and they will help with the project.  Student switching lights may be an issue.  Approve  The could possibly seek outside incentives due to the small scale of the project, they may be able to cover upfront costs. 


  13. EPA Indoor Air and Climate Change funding

    Funding Opportunity: Indoor Air Quality and Climate Change at EPA
    Lewis-Burke Associates LLC – October 29, 2013
    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a new solicitation focused on indoor air quality and climate change, with relatively large award sizes. The solicitation comes from EPA’s Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, which is the most consistent program at EPA that offers extramural funding opportunities. STAR Requests for Applications (RFAs) are posted throughout the year, but they generally are infrequent and targeted. Funding topics usually are identified through EPA’s Office of Research and Development’s planning activities and are linked to EPA’s strategic plan (available at This solicitation addresses EPA’s Strategic Goal 1: Taking Action on Climate Change and Improving Air Quality; Objective 1.1: Address Climate Change; and Objective 1.2: Improve Air Quality.1
    Through this solicitation, EPA is seeking proposals that will improve the understanding of the “effects of climate change on indoor air quality and the resulting health effects […] directly through a variety of mechanisms, and indirectly through adaptations in building use and design.” The solicitation notes that of priority is “the evaluation of existing guidelines for building system design or for weatherization to adapt buildings to a changing climate, against evidence of health effects related to ventilation, or at least against ventilation models and findings […] intentional and unintended changes to the indoor environment, with emphasis on actionable thresholds, that affect biocontaminants or emissions from building materials are especially of interest, if they can be related to changes in exposure or health of occupants.”
    This is one of the few solicitations EPA’s STAR program has released this year; many of the planned solicitations have been withdrawn, likely due to funding uncertainty. EPA generally offers webinars for its STAR solicitations, though one has not yet been announced for this solicitation.
    Letters of Intent: Not applicable.
    Due Dates: Proposals are due January 23, 2014.
    Total Funding and Award Size: EPA anticipates making three regular awards and three early-career awards. It will award approximately $4.5 million total, with regular awards receiving up to $1 million and early-career awards receiving up to $500,000, both over the course of three years.
    Eligibility and Limitations: Non-profit academic institutions of higher education are eligible to apply.
    Sources and Additional Background:
    • The complete solicitation is available at
    1 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (Sept. 30, 2010). FY 2011-2015: EPA Strategic Plan—Achieving Our Vision, p. 7-9. Retrieved from

  14. Energy Star Challenge email sent out

    Take the U-C ENERGY STAR Challenge!

    View this email in your browser



    Take the U-C Energy STAR CHALLENGE!

    Benchmark.  Track. Improve.


    The Urbana-Champaign Energy Star Challenge invites building owners and managers to benchmark their 2013 energy use, then track and improve energy use throughout 2014, all with US EPA’s free online tool, ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager.





    Energy savings are cost savings!  You can’t manage what you don’t measure!  Sign up today and start tracking and improving your building’s energy performance!


    To learn more, contact:

    Scott R. Tess

    P: 217-384-2381

    Buildings will compete against one another to see who can achieve the greatest energy use reduction in 2014 with awards following in early 2015.





    Participants can access free in-person assistance using the Energy Star Portfolio Manager program to manage their building’s energy use.  Additionally, participants will be connected with financial incentives to move their projects forward and technical support to help pinpoint building energy savings.



  15. Notice to selected buildings

    From: "Rients, Seth M" <> Date: November 4, 2013 at 2:13:15 PM  Cc: "Johnston, Morgan B" <>, "Osby, Tracy L" <>, "Jacobson, Debra F" <> Subject: Building Waste Stream Characterization                   I am pleased to announce that your building has been selected by Facilities and Services to be one of the four buildings in a pilot waste stream characterization study for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This study is designed in support of the campus wide Zero Waste policy which aims to increase the waste diversion rate to 75% by the year 2020. Facilities and Services has partnered with the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC), a unit of the Prairie Research Institute at U of I, to perform this waste stream characterization study.                   ISTC will begin examining solid waste outflows from your building during the week of November 11th, for a period of one week. During this time all discarded materials from your building will be collected, sorted, weighed, and documented in an effort to create a baseline measurement for waste diversion activities. The first step in this process is to have a kickoff meeting at your facility so we can discuss in person any thoughts, cares, concerns, or questions that you may have. We would like to schedule a meeting for this Thursday, November 7th at 2 pm. This meeting shouldn’t last more than 30 minutes. Attached to this sheet you will find some questions and answers that have been previously asked of ISTC.   Thank you for your time,   Seth Rients, PSM Project Manager for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign waste characterization study Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (217) – 300 – 4494  

  16. F&S electronics shutdown policy

    • Electronic Devices Shutdown Policy – Effective Immediately

    As an energy conservation method, F&S is implementing a policy for all individuals to turn off any electronic devices in your office before leaving for the day.  This includes desktop computers, printers, monitors, etc.  Be advised that when you reboot your computer and a patch or update is waiting, it will load and may request a system reboot.  This policy does not include mission critical systems.

  17. FY13 ECIP Award Winners Announced

    Energy Advancement Category

    1. Atmospheric Sciences Building            53.3%
    2. Spurlock Museum                                      44.5%
    3. Main Library                                                 43.1%
    4. Grainger Engineering Libra                    41.3%

    Occupant Action Category

    1. Undergraduate Library                            35.2%
    2. Law Building                                                  35.1%
    3. Christopher Hall                                          30.6%
    4. Henry Administration Building             28.4%
  18. Water fountain retrofits completed in first set of buildings

    Associated Project(s): 

    Morgan,    We are done with the following- Aces Library Main Library Undergraduate Library Grainger Library Loomis   I have the parts for the following off the original list and would like to start them with your ok. Armory Natural Resources Buillding   I would also like to try and install one on the fountain at Wholers and Sibel to see if we can make them work in those buildings.   Thanks,   Mark Warner Plumbing Foreman
