committee meeting, Job Shadowing discussion
Ed Choklek and Paul Matthews led a discussion about the Committee moving forward with creating a Job Shadowing Program for college and university students with USGBC Illinois members in 2014. Some of the college and university attendees chimed in with ideas, concerns and suggestions. After further discussion about logistics and timing, Paul Mathews agreed to have Tom Shelton send out a Doodle Poll to all Committee members to try and determine which months would work best for getting student involvement. Ed Choklek agreed to learn more about how the USGBC Missouri Gateway Chapter has done their Job Shadowing Program and will report back to the Committee on December 16. John Brophy and Paul Matthews will approach USGBC Illinois leadership to check on using USGBC Illinois Chapter Speakers’ Bureau members and USGBC Illinois Chapter Board of Directors for the 2014 Job Shadowing Program since these groups represent many different business sectors.