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Projects Updates for Campus Research Projects

  1. Research on Stormwater

    Rain gardens and barrels needed for study

    We will be conducting a study regarding the ability of residential rain gardens and rain barrels to harbor mosquitoes. We are looking for households with rain gardens or rain barrels to participate in the study. The study will involve a brief survey regarding use and approximately one visit per month throughout the summer. Please email to participate.

    Catherine Elizabeth Wangen . Department of Entomology

  2. Crop Sciences and IDOT award application

    IDOT submitted an application for the Illinois Governor's Sustainability Award in 2014, for work completed in collaboration with the University of Illinois Crop Sciences department. 

    This project involved collaboration and coordination between UIUC Department of Crop Sciences, the IDOT sustainability manager, and IDOT roadway maintenance field staff.  The Illinois Department of Transportation is interested in utilizing suitable areas of Right-of-Ways to produce cellulosic grasses for ethanol and biomass energy. The goal of this study is to investigate the use of Illinois highway right-of-ways for energy crop production to generate additional revenue to defray the cost of road maintenance and improve the environment.

  3. Behavior Change research

    Associated Project(s): 

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Johnston, Morgan B
    Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 9:56 AM
    To: Shin, Faith Donga
    Cc: Preston, Jesse L; Dempsey, John Garrett
    Subject: RE: [Public Engagement Portal] Psychology and Sustainability

    Hello Faith,

    I am very sorry for the month-long delay in this response!  It is amazing how quickly time slips away from me at the beginning of the semester.

    As I understand it, the interaction of Psychology and environmental initiatives is primarily linked to what I call "behavior change" as it related to sustainability.  We have a lot of control over the built environment on campus, but we do not have direct control over the behavior of the campus users (students, faculty, staff, and visitors). 

    There are many projects on campus that could benefit from behavior change and your input.  Essentially, any sustainability initiative where we are encouraging people to behave "better" could use your help.  Would you be interested in focusing on transportation, waste management, energy, clean water, etc, or would you prefer to work with us on the overall campus behavior and attitudes about sustainability?

    It would be great to meet with you and Professor Preston.  I would also like to include Jack Dempsey, with the Center for a Sustainable Environment.  Please let me know if you are more interested in a single focus area or the broad sustainability movement for campus.  Then I will help us arrange a meeting.

    Thanks a bunch, and I look forward to meeting with you.



    -----Original Message-----

    From: Faith Shin []

    Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 2:37 PM

    To: Johnston, Morgan B

    Subject: [Public Engagement Portal] Psychology and Sustainability

    Hello Morgan,

    My name is Faith Shin, and I am a graduate student within the Psychology department. We met today during the sustainability coffee discussion, and I would just like to reach out to you in regards to our research. Jesse Preston, my advisor, and some of her graduate students, myself included, are interested in researching how psychology and environmental initiatives can be combined and studied. Since you are the sustainability coordinator on campus, I was wondering if you know of any ways that our lab and your department can work together. Thank you!


    Faith Shin


    This message sent using the Public Engagement Portal Contact Page


  4. IL Center for a Smarter Electric Grid (ICSEG)

    Associated Project(s): 

    Professors Bill Sanders and Tom Overbye received funding from the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO) for the Illinois Center for a Smarter Electric Grid (ICSEG). The ICSEG is a 5-year project that is helping to provide services for the validation of information technology and control aspects of Smart Grid systems.

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