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  1. High School students go on tour of Green Infrastructure at UIUC

    Eliana Brown with the Water Resources Center and Morgan Johnston with F&S Sustainability provided a two hour tour on July 13, 2017 to six Illinois high school students through the NRES Research Apprenticeship program. Sites visited include the BIF green roof, the Ikenberry Commons permeable pavement, the First Street underground stormwater detention basin, the "square pond" (six-story deep hole near Locust and Springfield), the Boneyard Creek, and the stormwater murals in the College of Engineering.

  2. Measuring Sustainability Metrics of the Green Roof @ BIF Funding Agreement

    The goal of this project is to support class projects to assess the impact on sustainability of the green roof atop the new Business Instructional Facility. Students will get the opportunity to make measurements of the filtration and thermal properties of the green roof. Additionally it is hoped that these projects will help establish the roof as a laboratory for future student and faculty research projects on this topic. Thus, the Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding the full requested amount of $13,100.

  3. Green Roof Metrics Class

    The Student Sustainability Committee funded a the Green Roof Metrics Class Project, which will support class projects to assess the impact on sustainability of the green roof on the new Business Instructional Facility. Students in Professor Werth's Hazardous Waste Management course in Spring 2009 and Sustainable Urban Engineering course in Fall 2009 will make measurements of the filtration and thermal properties of the green roof. Hopefully, these projects will also help establish the roof as a laboratory for future student and faculty research projects on this topic. The SSC gave $13,100 in funding.

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