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Projects Updates for place: Natural Resources Building

  1. Archived web info - CSE Green Living Tips

    Green Living Tips

    How Can YOU Make a Difference?bikes

    Power down

    Power down for the community. Power down for the planet.

    Turn off your lights when you leave a room. Shut down your computer and elecrtronic equipment when not in use. Every little bit counts, so start today!!

    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

    Do you really need all those napkins you just picked up in the cafeteria? What about that plastic water bottle - how about using a stainless steel or reusable water container instead? Recycling isn't just about where we put our trash when it's time to dispose of it, but is also inherent in the decisions we make before we purchase products as well.


    What can you do for your campus and planet? Find out at Illini Union Go Green Recycling Facts!


    How DO YOU make a difference on campus or in the community? We want to know!

    We'll share your responses as we continue to update this section.

  2. Archived web info - CSE Green Teams

    Green Teams


    Several units across campus have established sustainability committees, or green teams, to encourage more earth-friendly initiatives and behavior.  For example, the College of Fine and Applied Arts has established an intra-collegiate committee to discuss environmentally conscientious and sustainable issues and solutions.  The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs has created a green team with representatives from each of its units to develop a plan to implement sustainable practices. 

    Learn more about Student Affairs' green initiatives.


  3. Archived web info - CSE Get Involved page

    How to Get Involved


    Learn how you can get involved on campus and in the community in sustainable efforts.

    Through our Green Living Tips, find out what steps you can take to live more sustainably.

    Want to know what’s happening on campus regarding sustainability efforts? Follow us onTwitter or sign up for our e-newsletter to find out about upcoming events in the community.




  4. Archived web info - CSE Student Initiatives

    Student Initiatives


    The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is home to more than 40,000 undergraduate students. Many of our students are passionate about sustainability, as can be seen by the large number of student groups whose work revolves around sustaining our planet.

    • There are approximately 25 student groups related to sustainability here on campus

    • In 2010, 70% of the student body voted to increase the sustainable campus fee from $5 to $14! This provides more than $1 million a year toward sustainability projects on our campus.

    • During academic year 2010-2011, students led the development of two major events devoted to educating students, faculty, staff and the community about doing their part and how easy it can be to live a more sustainable lifestyle. In the fall, Sustainability Week included seminars, workshops, tours, etc. showcasing efforts underway and teaching ways for everyone to 'go green'. In spring, Earth Week was a similar effort, culminating in a concert with proceeds benefitting the Sustainable Student Farm.

  5. Archived web info - CSE Ecosystems Research



    Food, water and energy are but a few factors to consider when examining sustainability.  We need to look holistically at ecosystems and the services they provide.  We need to ensure that we do not adversely affect part of the ecosystem while trying to find solutions in maintaining healthy ecosystems.  There are many passionate researchers at Illinois investigating ecosystems and their services.


    Department of Plant Biology 
    School of Integrative Biology 
    Illinois Natural History Survey
    School of Earth, Society, and Environment
    Institute for Genomic Biology

  6. Archived web info - CSE Energy Research



    Illinois is the place to learn about energy; whether it’s energy generation or distribution, traditional sources or alternative sources.  Faculty from all across campus are involved in energy research.

    Power & Engineering Systems
    CABER – Center for Advanced BioEnergy Research
    EBI - Energy Biosciences Institute
    SEDAC – Smart Energy Design Assistance Center
    Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center


    Attached Files: 
  7. Archived web info - CSE Water Research

  8. Archived web info - CSE Food Research


    The University of Illinois has a distinguished history of research related to food.  The links below will introduce you to the breadth of our food research.  Whether you are interested in food production or distribution, safety or nutrition, Illinois is working to solve the toughest problems.  In addition, we have included some links for sources of local foods and growing your own food.

    A few of the programs that you might be interested in are the Illinois MarketMaker, and the University of Illinois Student Farm.

    Want to find sources of local food? Try the Champaign Farmers Market, the Common Ground Food Co-op, and the Urbana Farmers Market. Or maybe you want to try your green thumb at growing your own food? If so,University of Illinois Extension has lots of resources to help get you started.


    Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition
    Agroecology & Sustainable Agriculture Program ASAP
    Department of Agriculture & Consumer Economics
    Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering
    Department of Animal Sciences
    Department of Crop Sciences 
    Department of Human and Community Development
    Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
    Crop Sciences Research and Education 
    Illinois SARE 
    Illinois SARE Calendar

  9. Archived web info - CSE Research

    In 2009, the University of Illinois completed an extensive visioning process that included input from a diverse set of stakeholders. The resulting document points to Grand Challenges that we will continually address through our sustainability efforts.  Devoted to the following goals, Illinois will become a world leader in creating new knowledge and innovative solutions.

    Grand Challenge 1:
    Maintain or restore natural ecosystem function while providing essential human services. 

    Grand Challenge 2:
    To sustainably raise the quality of life for the world’s poor to acceptable levels. 

    Unique Strengths of Illinois
    During the visioning process, we saw more clearly our unique position as a campus that has strengths in water programs, agriculture, engineering, business, and information technology, to name a few.  A focus on the food/water/energy nexus emerged from this recognition, along with interest by our campus and community in working at the interface of these issues.

    Center for the Advancement of Sustainability Innovations, U.S. Army
    The CSE is tasked with expanding the strategic partnership between Illinois and the military around sustainability topics and research initiatives of mutual interest. The basis for the partnership was formalized in 2009 via a MOU with the Center for the Advancement of Sustainability Innovations (CASI) in the Office and the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), and University of Illinois, Board of Trustees via the CSE. The CSE and ERDC-CASI have pursued several areas of collaboration including the Sustainable Innovations seminar series.

  10. Archived web info - CSE Education page

    Sustainability education is thriving across many disciplines at Illinois.  Through the efforts of the education task force, the Office of Sustainability provides information on sustainability coursework for both undergraduate and graduate students.  

    The Office of the Provost, and the Center for Teaching Excellence assisted in providing the second offering of the Prairie Project workshop,  which helps instructors integrate sustainability into their courses.  The resource pages for faculty include information that was either distributed or collected as a result of participation in the Prairie Project.  

    We hope you find these resources helpful.

  11. Archived web info - CSE Resources List



  12. Archived web info - CSE Campus and Community Resources

    Campus and Community Resources

    male wearing bike helmet

    The daily decisions that you make about how to travel, what to eat and drink, whether or not to recycle your trash, what to wear, and a myriad of other decisions all have an impact on the health of our planet. Wondering how your daily decisions could possibly affect the planet? After all, you are just one of 6.8 billion other people living on the planet. And that’s the point. The collective decisions of 6.8 billion people, whatever those decisions may be, will determine if we have enough resources to sustain the health and well-being of ourselves, future generations, and the other living creatures that share the Earth with us.

    The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the surrounding communities have a lot to be proud of when it comes to sustainability. The resources listed in this section are just a sample of what our campus and community has to offer. To get you started, University of Illinois Extension has developed 57 Ways To Protect Your Home Environment.

    For a list of academic, campus, community and research groups, please click here.

  13. Archived web info - CSE ACUPCC Pledge

    American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) Pledge

    On February 22, 2008, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign became a signatory to the American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment (ACUPCC). We are currently one of more than six-hundred Colleges and Universities that are participating in this endeavor (see the University's official commitment pledge here (download as pdf).

    As concern grows about global warming and the potential effects on health, social, economic, and ecological well-being of our world, the University is a prime place to be at the forefront of battling the negative impacts associated with climate change. The University of Illinois hosts high-caliber research and experts in diverse field across campus and seeks to become a model for not only the State of Illinois, but to become a leader in these efforts nationally and globally.

    The ultimate goal of the ACUPCC is for campuses to go "climate neutral". During the first year of this commitment, a greenhouse gas emissions inventory was conducted and submitted to the ACUPCC.

    Illinois submitted its Climate Action Plan in May 2010.  This plan sets aggressive goals for reaching carbon neutrality.  Facilities & Services is making great progress on the operational aspects of the plan, and the Office of Sustainability is working to connect educators and researchers to many projects associated with the plan.  Moving forward, Illinois will be required to submit updated greenhouse gas emissions inventories (2012) and progress reports(2013) on alternating years.  As reports become available, they will be shared with the public, both in this space as well as on the ACUPCC's website.

    Attached Files: 
  14. Archived web info - CSE Campus Sustainability Compact

    Illinois Campus Sustainability Compact


    On Friday, August 27, 2010, University of Illinois former President Michael Hogan and former UIUC Chancellor and current President Robert Easter joined Governor Pat Quinn in signing the second Sustainable Campus Compact (pdf) as part of the fifth annual Sustainable University Symposium. The University is the first institution to sign on to the new five-year compact that commits us to continue energy and environmental improvements.

  15. Archived web info - CSE Rankings and Reports

    Rankings and Reports


    The Office of Sustainability is responsible for coordinating the campus response to a variety of organizations related to sustainability efforts.


    As signatories to the ACUPCC and the Illinois Campus Sustainability Compact, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is required to submit data regarding its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and efforts to reduce them.  The ACUPCC requires an emissions inventory within one year of signing, and a comprehensive action plan for reduction within two years of signing.  Illinois is in good standing with the ACUPCC.  

    Illinois Campus Sustainability Compact

    The Illinois Campus Sustainability Compact was revised during academic year 2010-2011, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was the first to sign the new compact and pledged at the Gold Level. Information required for the compact includes actions such as fostering student involvement, green building, waste reduction, new initiatives.

    Voluntary Surveys

    The University of Illinois also voluntarily submits data to the following surveys – the Sierra Club Cool Schools survey, the Sustainable Endowment Institute Green Report Card Survey, the Princeton Review and Petersons.  Among our Big Ten peers, Illinois consistently ranks in the upper percentile.

    As more rankings from reports are released, we will share that information here.

    Illinois second among Big Ten in Princeton Review - 8/10/10

    Each year the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign participates in a survey distributed by the Princeton Review.  The Green Campus portion of the survey awards scores based on items such as: sustainability education and research, LEED certified buildings and other sustainable operations practices, transportation options, local foods in dining halls, and student involvement in sustainability initiatives. Illinois’ score is improved over last year from 92 to 95, placing us second among Big Ten Universities. To view Illinois’ green survey responses to the Princeton Review, please visit Princeton Review.

    Comparison to Big Ten Schools:

    Ohio State University


    University of Illinois


    University of Minnesota


    University of Iowa


    Pennylvania State University


    Michigan State University


    University of Michigan


    Purdue University


    Northwestern University


    University of Wisconsin


    Indiana University


    * = no participation


    Big Ten Sustainability Report

    This document provides a comparison of Big Ten conference schools by documenting initiatives, progress, and results in the following categories: administration, infrastructure, energy use, transportation, recycling, and food. This is the first report compiling these facets to view the difficulties and potential solutions to achieve sustainability in large research-based institutions. This report was prepared by students at the University of Michigan. 
    Click here to download the full report.

  16. Archived web info - CSE Task Forces

    Sustainability Task Forces

    As a result of the Office of Sustainability’s 2008-2009 visioning process, implementation of programs that fulfill this vision became the focus for the Office of Sustainability.  To aid in the development of an implementation plan, three task forces were created that represented a diverse group of stakeholders.  Members of the task forces included faculty, students, staff and community members with expertise in a variety of disciplines.  

    Forum Task Force

    The Forum Task Force was charged to create a new forum for in-depth, cross-disciplinary engagement on the sustainability grand challenges.  The product of their work is a recurring offering of the Scholarship of Sustainability Series.  This Series began in the Spring of 2010 and is offered each spring. The Series is open to faculty, staff, students and the community at large. The Series provides an in-depth examination of sustainability issues, with readings and video available on-line.

    Operations Task Force

    The Operations Task force was charged to create and implement a sustainable campus operations plan.  The committee’s efforts resulted in a comprehensive climate action plan that provides a path toward carbon neutrality by 2050.  The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was the first Big Ten University to submit a climate action plan to the ACUPCC.

    Education Task Force

    The Education Task Force was charged to infiltrate sustainable thinking into campus missions through new education activities.  The Sustainability Education Task Force (SETF) created sustainability education outcomes to serve as a useful resource for enhancing campus course and program offerings related to sustainability. The SETF has also inventoried existing course and program offerings to publish as a guide and identified gaps that can be filled through partnerships with academic departments.


    2010-2011 Sustainability Task Force Members

    Education Task Force - Hide Names and Affiliations



    Bill Stewart, co-chair

    Professor, Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism

    Madhu Viswanathan, co-chair

    Professor of Business Administration

    John Abelson

    Professor, Materials Science & Engineering

    Val Beasley

    Professor, Veterinary Biosciences

    Ann Bishop

    Associate Professor, Library & Information Science

    Meg Edwards

    Advising Coordinator, Library & Information Science

    Tony Endress

    Professor, Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences

    Ralph Hammann

    Associate Professor, Architecture

    Praveen Kumar

    Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering

    Vidar Lerum

    Associate Professor, Architecture

    Brenda Lindsey

    BSW Program Director, Clinical Associate Professor

    Steve Marshak

    Professor, Geology

    George Reese

    Director, Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education

    Patrick Vargas

    Associate Professor, Advertising

    Gillen Wood

    Professor, English

    Barbara Minsker, ex-officio

    Associate Provost Fellow and Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Mary-Ann Winkelmes, ex-officio

    Administrative Provost Fellow, Campus Coordinator for Progams on Teaching and Learning

    Forum Task Force - Hide Names and Affiliations



    Robery McKim, co-chair

    Head, Department of Religion

    Michelle Wander, co-chair

    Associate Professor, Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences

    Brian Anderson

    Director, Illinois State Natural History Survey

    Val Beasley

    Professor, Veterinary Biosciences

    Jeff Brawn

    Professor and Department Head, Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences

    Gary Cziko

    Professor Emeritus, Educational Psychology

    Bryan Endres

    Assistant Professor, Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences

    Ingbert Floyd

    Student, Graduate School of Library and Information Science

    Eric Freyfogle

    Max L. Rowe Professor, School of Law

    Mike Gray

    Professor, Crop Sciences

    Bruce Hannon

    Professor, Geography

    Anthony Larson

    Student, Environmental Economics and Policy

    Peter Maraccini

    Student, Mechanical Science and Engineering

    Greg McIsaac

    Assistant Professor, Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences

    Gary Miller

    Associate Executive Director, Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability

    Jesse Ribot

    Associate Professor, Geography

    Kathleen Robbins


    Mike Royse

    President, One Main

    Michael Scoville


    Mark Shannon

    Professor, Mechanical Science and Engineering

    Kate Williams

    Assistant Professor, Library & Information Science

    Barbara Minsker, ex-officio

    Associate Provost Fellow and Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Operations Task Force - Hide Names and Affiliations


    Operations Task Force



    Brian Deal, co-chair

    Assistant Professor, Urban & Regional Planning

    Carl Wegel, co-chair

    Director of Maintenance, Facilities and Services

    Amy Allen

    Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Dawn Aubrey

    Senior Assistant Director, Housing and Dining Service

    Robbie Boyer


    Sam Chakravorty

    GIS Specialist, Illinois State Water Survey

    Gary Cziko

    Professor Emeritus, Educational Psychology

    Tony Endress

    Professor, Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences

    Gale Fulton

    Assistant Professor, Landscape Architecture

    Guy Grant

    Management Engineer, Facilities and Services

    Erin Harper

    Student, Mechanical Science and Engineering

    Eric Holthaus

    Student, Urban & Regional Planning

    Cynthia Hoyle

    AICP, Transportation Planning Consultant, Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District

    Morgan Johnston

    Transportation Demand Management Coordinator, Facilities and Services

    Vonne Ortiz

    Assistant Director of Housing, Facility Operations, Housing Division

    Matt Rundquist

    Student, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

    Marya Ryan

    Director of I-Card Programs, Office of Business and Financial Services

    Art Schmidt

    Research Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Bill Stewart

    Professor, Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism

    Charlie Werth

    Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Stephanie Lage, ex-officio

    Assistant to the Director, Office of Sustainability


  17. Archived web info - CSE Sustainability Council page

    Sustainability Council Members

    The Sustainability Council was put in place in 2008 to help lead sustainability efforts at the University of Illinois. The Council is comprised of campus leaders and student and faculty representatives. It provides strategic direction and oversight of the campus sustainability initiative.

    2012-2013 Sustainability Council Members



    Phyllis Wise, Chair

    Vice President and Chancellor

    Peter Schiffer

    Vice Chancellor for Research

    Renee Romano

    Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

    Dan Peterson

    Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement

    Ilesanmi Adesida

    Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost

    Ruth Watkins

    Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

    Barbara Minsker

    Associate Provost Fellow and Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering

    William Shilts

    Executive Director, Prairie Research Institute

    Marika Nell

    Student Sustainability Committee

    Kevin Wolz

    Student Sustainability Committee

    Pradeep Khanna

    Associate Chancellor and Acting Director, Center for a Sustainable Environment

    Jack Dempsey

    Executive Director, Facilities and Services

    Stephanie Lage

    Assistant Director, Center for a Sustainable Environment


  18. Archived web info - CSE Alvin H. Baum Family Fund page

    Alvin H. Baum Family Fund

    The new Center for a Sustainable Environment (CSE) is being supported by the Alvin H. Baum Family Foundation through a generous gift. The Academic Senate approved establishment of the Center for a Sustainable Environment on December 3, 2012.  

    The Alvin H. Baum Family Fund is committed to bettering the lives of those who live and work predominantly in the Chicagoland area. Priorities established for the Foundation’s giving are health, human services, education, housing, environmental issues and the arts.

    Please visit the Baum Family Fund website for more information.

  19. Archived web info - CSE Vision page

    An Excerpt from our Vision Statement

    Student Farm

    In Fall of 2009 The Strategic Opportunity in Global Sustainability Challenges: A Vision for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was developed in a highly inclusive process that involved the surrounding communities.

    The visioning process identified two global grand challenges for which Illinois is well positioned to be a leader:

    1) To maintain or restore natural ecosystem function while providing essential human services, and 
    2) To sustainably raise the quality of life for the world’s poor to acceptable levels.

    There are five goals associated with the vision:

    1) Create a new forum for in-depth, cross-disciplinary engagement on the sustainability grand challenges, 
    2) Create and implement a sustainable campus operations plan that maintains or restores natural ecosystem, function and supports impoverished communities, 
    3) Infiltrate sustainable thinking into campus missions through new education activities,
    4) Create incentive programs that spur sustainability activities to meet the above goals, and 
    5) Create a viable financial plan for sustainability activities. Task Forces are currently identifying near term actions around goals 1–3, and helping to implement them.

    Illinois is also committed to achieving responsibilities of the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC). Energy conservation has been an emphasis as part of the ACUPCC. For example, FY09 was only the second time in 20 years that campus electricity consumption dropped from one year to the next. The progress is attributed to a broadening campus conservation effort, including retrocommissioning, departmental and college reduction initiatives, reduced HVAC system operating hours, and the campus relamping program. Total energy consumed by the main campus at Urbana-Champaign dropped 6.5% in FY09 compared to FY08. Campus consumption is now nearly 10% lower than FY07 on a square foot basis. The FY09 energy reduction resulted in a budget savings of approximately $7.5 million. The goal for FY10 is another 5% reduction (i.e. 5% below FY09).

  20. Archived web info - CSE About page

    About the CenterAbout.jpg

    The new Center for a Sustainable Environment (CSE) is now officially established. The Academic Senate had approved establishment of the Center for a Sustainable Environment on December 3, 2012. The formal search process for director of the CSE will start this month.

    Both the Environmental Change Institute (ECI) and the Office of Sustainability (OS) have been merged in this new center. Both the ECI and the OS have done outstanding work in the area of environment and sustainability for our campus and their efforts are greatly appreciated. The CSE will build upon the efforts of these two entities.  

    Detailed information about accomplishments of the ECI is accessible from the CSE website. We would like you to continue to stay connected to sustainability initiatives and activities on the campus. If you have previously subscribed to the OS Newsletter, you will now receive the CSE Newsletter in its place. If you were previously receiving messages from the ECI, please subscribe to theCSE Newsletter, “like” CSE on Facebook, or follow CSE on Twitter.

    The CSE is being supported by the Alvin H. Baum Family Foundation through a generous gift.



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