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Projects Updates for place: Art & Design Building

  1. Levis Faculty Center

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 189 T-12 fixtures in the Levis Faculty Center were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 29,802 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  2. International Studies Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 571 T-12 fixtures in the International Studies Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 90,035 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  3. Illini Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 610 T-12 fixtures in Illini Hall were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 96,185 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  4. Huff Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 426 T-12 fixtures in Huff Hall were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 67,172 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  5. Harker Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 485 T-12 fixtures in Harker Hall were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 76,475 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  6. Harding Band Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 304 T-12 fixtures in the Harding Band Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 47,935 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.81 years.

  7. Colonel Wolfe School

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 298 T-12 fixtures in the Colonel Wolfe School were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 46,989 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.55 years.

  8. Civil Engineering Hydrosystems Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 402 T-12 fixtures in the Civil Engineering Hydrosystems Laboratory were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 63,387 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.13 years.

  9. Ceramics Kiln House

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 687 T-12 fixtures in the Admin Tech Info Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 112,316 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.42 years.

  10. Architecture Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 618 T-12 fixtures in the Architecture Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 97,446 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.47 years.

  11. Animal Sciences Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 1,724 T-12 fixtures in the Animal Sciences Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 271,840 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  12. Uni High School

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 450 T-12 fixtures in Uni High School were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 70,895 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.55 years.

  13. South Studio #6

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 189 T-12 fixtures in South Studio #6 were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 48,303 hours. The simple payback for this project is 1.76 years.

  14. Illini Union Bookstore

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 153 T-12 fixtures in the Illini Union Bookstore were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 24,077 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.65 years.

  15. Education Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 1,416 T-12 fixtures in the Admin Tech Info Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 327,869 hours. The simple payback for this project is 1.12 years.

  16. Revolving Loan Fund approved for $250K for LED Exit Signs

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Revolving Loan Fund is approved to fund $250K in LED Exit Sign improvements.  Here is the description of the project, as reviewed by the RLF committee:


    This project will replace existing exit signs with efficient LED fixtures in approximately (14) campus buildings.  As a result, energy use will be decreased, life safety systems will operate more reliably, and maintenance needs will decrease dramatically.  This is a continuation of projects funded in FY07 and FY08. We are requesting funding in the amount of $250,000, although the work is very scalable and any funding amount can be successfully applied. 




    08. VISIBILITY - Very visible.  Building users notice when exit signs are burned out and it may make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe.  It also creates a negative impression of the pride we take in our facilities.

    09. PAYBACK PERIOD - When replacing incandescent, the payback from energy savings alone is about 6-7 years.  Replacement of fluorescent exit signs yields a payback of 8-10 years.  However, the old signs also require maintenance up to 3 times per year.  If one includes this expense, the overall payback improves to 1-2 years.

    10. REDUCTION OF COAL - By reducing overall campus energy use, this will contribute to Abbott Power Plant s ability to reduce the number of generation units in use.  An additional benefit is the reduction in GHG emissions from maintenance vehicles traveling to replace burned out lamps.

    11. FUND SIZE IMPACT - F&S is working with the Illinois DCEO and this project would qualify for about $7,000 in grant rebates.

    12. PROJECT COORDINATION - F&S has a record of success with these projects.  We have developed a project execution method that keeps overhead to a bare minimum, avoids expensive consultant fees, purchases material at bulk prices, and achieves maximum labor efficiency.  F&S Construction Services will execute the work, and F&S Engineering will document results for the DCEO grant.




    01. REPLACEMENT OF FACILITY SYSTEMS - Existing exit signs are typically long past their expected life, and have many maintenance problems.  The new LED exit signs will have an expected useful life of at least 15-20 years.

    03. IMPACT ON PLANNED PROJECTS - Very little impact on capital projects.  We coordinate to ensure no overlap between buildings selected for exit sign replacement and planned major renovations.

    04. WHAT IF PROJECT IS NOT FUNDED? - If this project is not funded, our campus will continue to expend many maintenance hours keeping these lights operational, and waste electricity on inefficient technology that is over 20 years outdated.

    If this project is partially funded, we will install as many LED exit signs as possible with the funds allocated.

    06. WHAT OTHER DEPARTMENTS ARE AFFECTED BY THE PROJECT? - The buildings we propose are all across campus and used by virtually every college and department.  These units will benefit from improved safety and fewer maintenance disruptions.

    07. RISK FACTORS - No known risk factors.  In fact this work will reduce the risks associated with having nonfunctioning exit signs, and improve life safety for the campus community.  We have executed this type of work in 25 buildings so far without major problems.

  17. Imported Swine Research Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 323 T-12 fixtures in the Imported Swine Research Laboratory were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 50,918 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  18. Labor & Employment Relations

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 179 T-12 fixtures in the Admin Tech Info Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 29,829 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.48 years.


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