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Projects Updates for place: Campus Bike Center

  1. update on classes

    Hello all,

    A quick update about classes, the Campus Bike Center is working on holding 2 classes a month on Thursday afternoons.  At avoid sending too many e-mails we will be posting them on facebook and our webpage. 

    Next week Thursday April 7th from 1 to 2 pm our staff member Marty Miller will be hosting a class on Sturmey Archer 3 spd hubs at the Campus Bike Center.

    Early May we will announce a wheel building class.  If you want to build wheels keep your eyes out for a sign up sheet.

    This Wednesday April 6th at 6:30 pm at the Urbana location we will be having a shop clean up night.  We have been working hard to organize and clean the space.  If everyone comes and helps out we can bring the shop to a whole new level of clean.

    James Roedl

  2. weekly update

    Hello all, This past week was great.  We weren't too busy, and we got some cool stuff done.  We sold 5 bikes for $640, 1 build-a-bike for $60, 4 memberships for $100, and grossed $1161.10.  We had a lot of volunteers come in and we were able to clean up the shop.  It looks great and is more functional.  I was also able to sort and organize a lot of the parts and we are much better for it.  We scrapped a lot of damaged frames, and low quality parts.  I added a couple of new tools to make things go faster and easier.  I worked on the cargo bike demo program, and am lining up a new department to lend the bike to.  We built several bikes and have about 40 for sale.  I was able to start ordering from the new supplier accounts I setup it was cool and we got some deals on parts.  We scrapped a lot of damaged frames, and low quality parts making some space.  We started using the new registration database.  The database is fully functional and awesome.  I meet with Stacey and Lily we did some pre Bike To Work Day planning.  I had a volunteer get all the advocacy materials organized and setup to be handed over to Lily. 

    This coming week I plan on getting more bikes from the parking warehouse, building more bikes for the spring rush, and continuing to clean and organize.  I'm going to work on setting up more classes for the spring.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  3. weekly update

    Hello all, Last week was a little weird, but great.  We had some strange fluctuations in attendance that went against normal attendance/weather patterns.  We sold 1 bike for $140, 1 build-a-bike for $45, 2 memberships for $50, and grossed $768.80.  I ran out of room upfront so I started putting for sale bikes in the back of the shop.  My goal is to have half of the storage area be refurbished bikes by spring so we are ready for the rush.  The hydraulic disc brake class went very well.  Matt Crosby from Neutral came early and helped setup as well as publicized the event.  We have 5 people in attendance and everyone learned a lot.  We may have a second class to go deeper into bleeding and lever modulation adjustment. 

    This week I plan on helping to get Lily up to speed as Stacy sees fit, building bikes, and working on upcoming advocacy events.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  4. weekly update

    Hello all, This past week went well.  We sold 2 bikes for $230, one membership for $25, and grossed $475.  We were able to represent the center at the ISSS open house.  The bike registration database is completed and we are seeking approval from all parties to launch!  We built more bikes.  We are at about 40.  I was able to make some head way in organizing the shop.  There are so many built bikes now that they are becoming a nuisance.  I did more work on the blasting cabinet.  It has already proved useful, but the air filter unit that came with it is not working well and we may have to purchase new filters. 

    This week I will be holding a class on disc brakes due to requests by students.  I will send an e-mail about it to membership.  I will work on the air filter unit for the blasting cabinet.  I will also be building more bikes for the spring rush.  There is an international student safety day on the 24th that we will be participating in.  I will be preparing materials for that as well as seeing if we can do some mechanical demos.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  5. weekly update

    Hello all,  This past week was way busy.  We got a lot of stuff done.  We sold one build-a-bike for $50, 2 memberships for $50, and grossed $523.20.  I brought a couple of new staff members online, and sorted out some payroll issues.  I worked with IT and we are now in the testing phase of the registration database.  If all goes well it will be online this week.  I worked on some details for upcoming advocacy events.  I built a second trailer bike as we have need/requests for a smaller frame bike.  I got the abrasive booth up and running.  It has already proven useful.

    This week I hope to finish the registration database.  I will be attending an advocacy event to table (the ISSS resource fair), and will work on a class I am planning for next week.

    From the Campus Outpost,

  6. weekly update

    Hello all, This past week was busy.  We had a lot of people come in and want help fixing their bikes.  We sold 2 build-a-bikes for $180, 4 memberships for $100, and grossed $532.  We have 35 bikes for sale at the shop and are working on more.  I was able to purchase a lot of higher grade tires for a good price and have started to stock these into the inventory. 

    This week I will be working on the registration database a bit more as well as getting ready for upcoming advocacy events.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  7. weekly update

    Hello all, A lot has happened since the last update.  We sold 2 bikes for $270, 1 build-a-bike for $80, 4 student memberships for $100, 1 community memberships for $40, and grossed $788.50.  We received a truck load of bikes from Neutral, we received a truck and trailer load of bikes from a land lord,  winter break happened, and I applied and got a Shimano account.  We also had a lot of individual donations of bikes.  There was even a very heavily loaded bike trailer of nice parts donated.  We have had a few people in the shop fixing bikes about 5 a day.  I have been able to build some bikes, and do maintenance.  I did some work on the public repair pumps as they have been breaking a lot lately.  I am currently setting up the cargo bike to lend to the library.  I have scrapped about 50 bikes, 20 were sent to the recycling facility, about 30 have been cut up for space saving until they are hauled off.  I did some reworking of the bike center's page on TBP's site.  It now has lots of pictures as was suggested, and goes into more depth about what we do.  I found some language on another co-ops site that I think will help set expectations.  I worked on the registration data base and gave the University IT folks approval to start making the basic site.

    This coming week I plan on dealing with the huge amount of donations.  I will work on getting the cargo bike lent out and everything squared away on this.  I will continue to work with IT to make the database and integrate current data.  Since we got a new supplier, and the current supplier merged with another I will take some time to familiarize myself with the new catalogs and sites.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  8. weekly digest

    Hello all,

    This past week was productive.  We were able to prepare 50 bikes at the warehouse, as well as 60 bikes at the two shops.  I created a use agreement for the cargo bike that is being review by the Universities lawyers.  We sold 1 bike for $120, 1 build-a-bike for $150, 1 build-a-bike for $80, 2 memberships for $50, and grossed $549.50.  I worked on setting up the yearly bike shipment.  I put on a class for the athletic department about basic maintenance and bike safety.  We got a bunch of bikes from the City of Champaign.  I also worked on search committee tasks.

    This week I will be working on preparing more bikes for shipment as well as coordinating the shipment.  I will be trying to make room in the back of shop as we have 30 bikes ready for shipment here.  I will be giving the cargo bike to Rick for demonstration to his department.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  9. Registration events at Residence Halls

    Associated Project(s): 


    Monday, April 28, 11AM-2PM

    Student Dining and Residential Programs (SDRP) Building

    Tuesday, April 29, 11AM-2PM

    Illinois Street Residence Halls (ISR)

    Wednesday, April 30, 11AM-2PM

    Allen Hall/Lincoln Avenue Residence Hall (LAR)

    Thursday, May 1, 11AM-2PM

    Pennsylvania/Florida Avenue Residence Hall(s) (PAR/FAR)


  10. Fall 2013 Class Schedules

    In Fall of 2013, the follow classes were offered at the Campus Bicycle Shop.

    All classes are open to students, staff, faculty and the general public. Unless otherwise noted, classes are at 7pm on the date indicated, at the Campus Bicycle Shop, 608 E. Pennsylvania Avenue, Champaign.

    Bicycles, parts, and tools will be provided for the duration of each class, and no previous experience is needed. 

    Tires, Tubes, and Rim Strips

    • October 9, 2013, 7pm $10.
    • Repairing a flat tire can range from an easy 5 minute job to an hour of hard labor. In this class we will go over each part of what makes up a rolling tire, and how to fix it.

    Smooth Shifting

    • October 16, 2013, 7pm $20.
    • This will be a 2-hour class on shifters and derailleurs. We will cover the types of shifters, the derailleurs they actuate, and how to adjust them.

    Choosing the Right Bike

    • Friday, October 25, 2013, 10-11am, ARC Multi-purpose Room 7. FREE.
    • As part of Sustainability Week 2013, the Campus Bicycle Shop is offering a free class on choosing the right bike. This class will cover bike styles, sizing, the difference tire sizes make, and will touch on how frame geometry affects ride quality. The class will help new and existing cyclists understand what bike to purchase, how to go about selecting the right bike, and when to ask for help. **NOTE DATE & LOCATION HAVE BEEN CHANGED FOR THIS CLASS.

    Brake Check

    • October 30, 2013, 7pm $10.
    • In this class we will cover basic brake maintenance and how to adjust commonly used brakes.

    Winterize your Bike

    • November 13, 2013, 7pm $10.
    • This class will show students how to prepare their bike for winter, both for safe riding in winter weather and how to protect your bike from the elements while it's stored outside.

    Put a Bow on it

    • December 11, 2013, 7pm $10.
    • This class will cover the ins-and-outs of packaging a bike for shipment by postal carrier.
  11. Bicycle Class Request Form Created

    In order to gauge demand in existing and new classes, we have created a Bicycle Class Request Form so that students, employees and community members can request new opportunities to learn more about bicycles. The form link appears when an existing bicycle class registration is already full, so that we can estimate how many additional people tried to register for classes that have reached maximum capacity.  The form can also be used to suggest new bicycle safety or mechanics classes. 

  12. Registration now open for Bicycle Mechanic Course

    Registration is now open for the six-week Bicycle Mechanic Course offered by the Campus Bicycle Shop! Space is extremely limited, and there is a $30 course fee.  The class will run from February 6-March 13  and again from March 27-May 1.  Register  in person for either session at the Campus Bike Shop today to reserve your spot!  For more information contact Ken Sutto, Campus Bike Shop Manager, at 217-300-0296 or or come by the Campus Bike Shop during open hours (2 to 6pm Monday -Thursday and 2 to 5:30 Friday). 


    “So You Want to Work on Bikes” is a six-part course designed to teach you about different types of  bicycles, their components, and how to do most adjustments, maintenance, and overhauls on your bicycle’s major systems.

    This six-week course runs February 6-March 13 and will be held on Wednesday nights, from 6:30 to 8:30pm at the Campus Bike Shop. There are only five spots in the course, and registration is first come, first served until all five spots are filled. There is a $30 course fee, with all the money going towards The Bike Project of Urbana-Champaign. This six-week course will be held again from March 27-May 1, and registration for the second course is also currently open (again, first come first served).

    If you wish to register please come by the Campus Bike Shop to sign up and pay the deposit as soon as you can. For more information contact Ken Sutto, Campus Bike Shop Manager, at 217-300-0296 or or come by the Campus Bike Shop during open hours (2 to 6pm Monday through Thursday and 2 to 5:30 Friday). 


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