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Projects Updates for place: Orchard Down Multifunctional Landscape

  1. resolution to project plans

    From: Ben McCall
    Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 6:18 PM
    To: Sealine, Alma R
    Cc: Wolz, Kevin James; Lovell, Sarah Taylor; Ricci, Marcus Enrico; Nell, Marika Ruth; Tousignant, Teresa Marie Giardina; Johnston, Morgan B; Lage, Stephanie M
    Subject: Re: Orchard Downs Multifunctional Landscape - Repackaged


    Can you make arrangements for this reimbursement?



    On 02/25/2014 01:31 PM, Kevin Wolz wrote:


    Sorry for the slow response. We appreciate your thorough and firm response. Our group will desist pursuing any project at Orchard Downs. 

    We appreciate Ed's willingness to reimburse sunk costs. Total sunk costs (the amount of our grant that we spent under the assumption that everything was a go) for the project are $7,650.10. This amount can be reimbursed to the following CFOP: 



    Kevin & the OD Team

    On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 5:01 PM, Ben McCall wrote:

    Hi Kevin,

    I'm afraid I do not have good news for you.  Ed seems to be firm in his position that this site is not acceptable because it may be needed for another purpose in the future, and the administration does not want to be "the bad guy" tearing out something that people have grown to love.  He remains open to consideration of other sites, but I understand that neither you nor the other involved parties are interested in pursuing other sites.  Ed did agree to reimburse any sunk costs.

    You certainly have the prerogative to escalate this issue to higher levels of the administration, but my hunch is that such an effort is not likely to succeed.

    I wish I had better news for you, and I am really sad to see this project evaporate.  One lesson I think we can learn from this experience is the importance of establishing a more thorough process for getting campus approval for SSC projects before they are funded.  I intend to discuss this with the SSC leadership and see how the Institute can be of service in preventing this sort of terrible situation from recurring.



  2. Quick update from Sarah

    Morgan and Sarah had a quick conversation today about the ODMFL project and plants.  Sarah reported that the plants were stored in pots at the Arboretum over the summer, and Kevin is working to move them into planted buffer polinator strips at the Sustainable Student Farm.  Sarah is going to continue to talk with Housing about the Orchard Downs project.

  3. Plants moved to Arboretum

    The ODMFL plants have been moved to the Arboretum growth house.  Sarah talked with Bill Krudienier and moved the plants to the Arboretum as they continue to grow.  Bill met with May Berenbaum and Terry Harkness to discuss the best use of the plants in the Arboretum, within the master plan for the site.  It is possible that they will put them near the Pollinatarium and the children's garden.

    The Arboretum is very pleased to be able to help and excited about the possibilities for these plants and future endeavors.

  4. Orchard Downs Sustainable Landscape_Funding Award and Acceptance

  5. scope change approved for purchased plants

    The project team has plants that will need to be planted, but the location at Orchard Downs is not yet approved.  The team asked for approval to plant these plants elsewhere on campus, possibly the Arboretum or the Sustainable Student Farm.

    • Current Student Members: Marika, Katie, Olivia, Nishant, Sean, Suharsh, Wei, Rachna, Maria, Marlon, Jessica 
    • Quorum (60% of student members plus 2 faculty/staff): 7 students required, 2 faculty/staff
    • Nine of the current student members voted "In Favor" and 4 faculty/staff members participated via email
    • Quorum was met and the motion to approve the scope change passed
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