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Water Environment Federation (WEF)

Posted by Morgan White on February 2, 2020

A brief introduction to Water Environment Federation - American Water Works Association (WEF-AWWA) Student Chapter UIUC


We have been involved in organizing events and meetings that orient students towards the water industry. 


Listed below are some of our past activities:

  1. Organizing regular general meetings with water companies based in Champaign and the Greater Chicago Area.
  2. Organized an annual conference 'Diving Into The Water Industry' featuring presenters from different fields within the water industry.
  3. Organizing office visits for students to water companies and also field visits to local water treatment plants.
  4. Involvement with WEF and its divisional organization Central States Water Environment Association (CSWEA). Every year, we take part in the WEF student design competition. Last year, our project 'Flood Mitigation Strategies for Houston, TX' won the category for Environmental Design and was selected for presentation in WEFTEC 2019, the annual conference of WEF.