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Earth Week 2014 website
Posted by Morgan White on April 1, 2014

Earth Week 2014
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites you to join us in celebrating Earth Week this April 21st through the 26th. Earth Week is a time to enact change and real movement towards consciousness about how our decisions affect our campus environment and good ol' Mother Earth. Whether you're already a passionate environmentalist or just looking to have some April fun, we hope to see you all out and about showing the Earth some serious love this week!
Thank you to UIUC Students for Environmental Concerns (SECS), the Institute for Sustainability, Energy & Environment, and all of our co-sponsors and partners.
Check out the full detailed schedule of events below. Stay connected on our Facebook event page!
Clothing Swap Collection: Thursday, April 17 and Friday, April 18
April 17th: Drop off at University YMCA, 1001 S. Wright Street, Urbana, IL
April 18th: Drop off at Main Quad, Anniversary Plaza
Clothes can be recycled, too! Do some spring-cleaning and drop off your gently used clothing – then swap out your donations for other students’ items. Every item you donate gets you one swap at Monday’s Clothing Swap & Drive. Choose to receive swapping rights for your items, or just to directly donate to the Champaign Salvation Army. Non-swap donations are welcome at the bin at the Y all week through Friday, April 25th. APO members will receive service points! Co-sponsored by APO Service Fraternity and SECS.
Build-a-Bike Raffle:
Entry all week at almost every event!
Final drawing at 5:45pm during Veggie Burger Cook-Off, Friday April 25th, Illini Grove Pavilion
SECS Earth Weekers teamed up with the Campus Bike Shop to build a beautiful bike with their very own Earth-lovin’ hands – and now it can be all yours! And with the opportunity to enter the raffle at almost every Earth Week event, your chances of winning are sky high. Be on the lookout for event-specific codes and links to submit your entry each time. One entry per guest per event. Must be present at drawing to win. Entries are FREE!
Pledge Wall:
April 21st: YMCA, April 22nd-24th: Main Quad, & April 25th: Illini Grove
What’s your environmental pledge? Make it known on our Earth Week Pledge Wall! Share your pledge (for this week or beyond) about how you’re making a difference environmentally or what inspires you to change. We’ll be stationed at various Earth Week events throughout the week, as well as on the Main Quad.
Monday, April 21:
9-11:30am: iCAP Forum
Illini Union, Rooms A&B, 1401 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL
Join iSEE and the Sustainability Working Advisory Teams (SWATeams) to learn about the progress the campus has made in meeting the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) goals, and to provide input into how the campus should move forward in the arena of sustainability. The program will consist of a light breakfast, overview presentations by the iSEE Associate Director of Campus Sustainability and SWATeam representatives, and roundtable discussions.
12n-1pm: UC Energy Star Challenge Lunch
Illini Union, General Lounge (210), 1401 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL
12n-4pm: Clothing Swap & Drive
University YMCA, Latzer Hall, 1001 S. Wright Street, Urbana, IL
All of last week’s donations will be ready for picking at this APO + SECS swapmeet! Latzer Hall will look like your favorite thrift store, where you can swap out each clothing item you donated for something “new.” All leftover items will be donated to the Champaign Salvation Army at the end of the week. Non-swap donations are welcome at the bin at the Y all week through Friday, April 25th.
2pm-5pm: Sustainability Symposium
Illini Union, Rooms A&B, 1401 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL
Check out the progress on the latest sustainable campus initiatives! Presentations and poster session from the Institute for Sustainability, Energy & Environment and the Student Sustainability Committee. Light refreshments will be provided.
6pm-7pm: DIY Green Supplies
University YMCA, 1001 S. Wright Street, Urbana, IL
Give your cleaning and beauty supplies a green makeover! Join us for a student-led lesson in Do-It-Yourself environmentally friendly supplies. Learn how a few simple ingredients can become your new go-to daily products. Please bring along empty and clean containers to house your creations - glass jars, tupperware, plastic bottles, etc. Led by Jola Szkodon & SECS
7pm-9pm: "Symphony of the Soil" Film Screening
W-109 Turner Hall
Learn about the importance of the complex relationships within the stuff beneath our feet! Hosted by the Soil & Water Conservation Society. $3 suggested donation to benefit the RSO - and to cover popcorn!
8pm-9pm: Earth Hour
Go dark to go green! Switch off all non-essential lights and electronics from 8-9pm, and take an hour to send some respect to good ol’ Mother Earth. All are welcome to partake, especially University Housing and Greek Houses.
Tuesday, April 22: (Earth Day)
11am-2pm: Environmental Expo
Illini Union, Courtyard Café, 1401 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL
Watch the Courtyard Café be transformed into a mini Quad Day – exclusively featuring environmental RSOs and local sustainable organizations! Pass through and learn about more ways to get involved with all things environmental on- and off-campus. Talk with reps, grab some info, and even partake in crafts like DIY planting!
5:15pm-6:30pm: Earth Week Chat with IEC
University YMCA, 1001 S. Wright Street, Urbana, IL
Looking to learn more about environmental policy and current issues? Stop by the Y to join in on the conversation with Jen Walling, visiting us from the Illinois Environmental Council. Have your Qs answered and your opinions shared - and grab some free food! RSVP online
6pm-7:30pm: Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Sustainability Film Festival “Living Downstream”
Spurlock Museum, Knight Auditorium, 600 South Gregory St., Urbana, IL
This poetic film follows Sandra during one pivotal year as she travels across North America, working to break the silence about cancer and its environmental links. After a routine cancer screening, Sandra receives some worrying results and is thrust into a period of medical uncertainty. Free and open to the public. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and seating is first come, first served. Films will be followed by discussions with expert guest speakers.
8pm-10pm: Bidder 70 Movie
Main Quad near Anniversary Plaza (Illini Union)
Join SECS for an outdoor screening of Bidder 70 on this beautiful night of Earth Day! You won’t want to miss this compelling story of one student’s act of civil disobedience towards climate justice. We’ll be watching on the big screen at the main quad near Anniversary Plaza (Illini Union). Bring a blanket and some buddies! Stay updated on the Facebook event in case of rainy backup location at the University YMCA.
Wednesday, April 23:
10am–11am: Campus Wide Bicycle Census
Urbana, IL—Every Bike Counts. Facilities and Services at the University of Illinois is partnering with Champaign County Bikes to count every bike on campus. The census will take place on Wednesday, April 23 from 10-11AM. The bicycle data collected is critical for future university decision-making and planning including: determining the location and quantity of additional bicycle parking needed to meet demand, estimating the increasing number of cyclists on campus, and prioritizing bicycle infrastructure projects. Volunteers are needed to help with the count and can register at Please for additional information.
11am-3pm: Bike Tune-Ups & Blend-Ups
Anniversary Plaza on the Quad (Behind Illini Union)
Bring your bike by for the cheapest tune up in town! Tune ups from Bike Face start at just $5. In need of a rad refreshment on your way to class? SECS has got you covered! Use your own two legs to blend up a sustainable smoothie on our student-built Bike Blender. Choose from local dairy, juice and fruits (plenty o’ vegan options!) to create a $2 smoothie - ingredients brought to you by Common Ground Food Co-op. All proceeds will benefit Bike Face and SECS respectively.
12n-1pm: ISTC Sustainable Seminar Series
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, SJW conference room 1 E. Hazelwood Drive, Champaign, IL
Presented by Margaret Guerriero - Director of the Land and Chemicals Division, USEPA
Born in the wake of elevated concern about environmental pollution, EPA was established on December 2, 1970 to consolidate in one agency a variety of federal statutes pertaining to research, monitoring, standard-setting and enforcement activities to ensure environmental protection of air, water and land. Throughout the years, EPA has incorporated the concept of sustainability into many of its programs. Margaret Guerriero will be discussing the top ten ways EPA uses the principles of sustainability to accomplish its mission to protect human health and the environment. This webinar will be broadcast live and also archived on our for later viewing. If you cannot attend the event at ISTC, you may view the webinar live by registering at:
2:30pm-3pm: Chancellor Sustainability Discussion
Illini Union, Colonial Room 1401 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL
Take advantage of this opportunity to directly connect with Chancellor Phyllis Wise! Hear a bit about her role in campus sustainability efforts, and come prepared with your own questions about the University.
5:30-6:00 Conservation Reception for Craig Cox at the Alice Campbell Hall hosted by the Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture Program in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences in honor of Earth Day in partnership with the Student Chapter of the Illinois Soil and Water Conservation Society, the Agriculture Watershed Institute, Faith in Place, Illinois Stewardship Alliance and Prairie Rivers Network! The event is free and open to the public. Free parking will be available after 5.00 in lot D22 904 W. Oregon.
6:00-6:50: Craig Cox Senior Vice President of the Environmental Working Group will be at the Alice Campbell Hall to discuss how the elimination of direct payments to agriculture and their replacement with programs that provide revenue and price guarantees will affect taxpayers, farm income, and resource conservation. He’ll explain how the recent Farm Bill fixed some glaring problems associated with crop insurance programs by establishing a quid pro quo between farmers and taxpayers by asking farmers to take steps to cut soil erosion on their most vulnerable cropland, protect wetlands and refrain from breaking out native grassland and prairie in return for crop insurance premium subsidies and other federal farm program benefits. He will consider whether these provisions offer sufficient protection for working lands at a time when high crop prices, biofuel mandates and competition for land have spurred substantial intensification and expansion of row crop production that is tied to soil degradation, water pollution and loss of habitat. Craig, who has spent his life working for conservation and worked on the last four farm bills, will discuss what will be needed to harmonize agriculture and the environment in this challenging century. If you’d like to meet with Craig during his visit contact
6pm-7:30pm: Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Sustainability Film Festival “Terra Blight”
Spurlock Museum, Knight Auditorium, 600 South Gregory St., Urbana, IL
Terra Blight is a documentary exploring America’s consumption of computers and the hazardous waste we create in pursuit of the latest technology. Terra Blight traces the life cycle of computers from creation to disposal and juxtaposes the disparate worlds that have computers as their center. From a 13-year-old Ghanaian who smashes obsolete monitors to salvage copper to a 3,000-person video game party in Texas,Terra Blight examines the unseen realities of one of the most ubiquitous toxic wastes on our planet. Free and open to the public. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and seating is first come, first served. Films will be followed by discussions with expert guest speakers.
7pm-8pm: Keynote Speaker Stephen Ritz
Student Dining and Residential Programs Building (SDRP) 2025 Multipurpose Room, 301 E. Gregory Drive, Champaign, IL
Join us in welcoming Stephen Ritz, a teacher and activist from the South Bronx who believes that students shouldn’t have to leave their community to live, learn, and earn in a better one. Stephen will document his journey as a classroom teacher turned urban farmer and how the mantra of "no child left behind" can include "no child left inside." Thirty-thousand pounds of vegetables later, his favorite crop is "organically grown citizens." It's all about planting seeds - seeds of hope, engagement and opportunity! Learn about his innovative work and be inspired by his passion that’s making a difference. Q&A after presentation. Free and open to the public. View TED talk.
Thursday, April 24:
12n-1pm: ISTC Sustainable Seminar Series – iSEE a Sustainable Campus
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, SJW Conference Room, 1 E. Hazelwood Drive, Champaign, IL
Presented by Ben McCall - Associate Director for Campus Sustainability, Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and the Environment (iSEE), Learn about an overview of iSEE, a look at how well our campus is meeting the targets set out for 2015 in the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP), and a vision of how our campus will set concrete plans in place to meet our long-term sustainability goals, including carbon neutrality by 2050. If you cannot attend the event at ISTC you may view the webinar live by registering at The webinar will also be archived on www.istc.illinois.edufor later viewing.
3pm-4pm: Facilities & Services Utilities Master Plan
University YMCA, 1001 S. Wright Street, Urbana, IL
As part of Earth Week on the Urbana campus, Facilities & Services will provide an update on the Utilities Master Plan from 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 24 at the University YMCA (1001 South Wright Street). The plan examines university energy production and distribution systems, integrating with the energy conservation targets and strategies outlined by the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP). The presentation will focus on the Utilities Master Plan’s current progress, highlighting the tools and processes being used to meet desired campus outcomes related to projected growth and associated energy demand.
6pm-7:30pm: Illinois Sustainability Technology Center Sustainability Film Festival “Waste=Food”
Spurlock Museum, Knight Auditorium, 600 South Gregory St., Urbana, IL
WASTE = FOOD explores this revolutionary "cradle to cradle" (as opposed to "cradle to grave") concept through interviews with its leading proponents, American architect William McDonough and German ecological chemist Michael Braungart, coauthors of Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. Their ideas are increasingly being embraced by major corporations and governments worldwide, unleashing a new, ecologically-inspired industrial revolution. Free and open to the public. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and seating is first come, first served. Films will be followed by discussions with expert guest speakers.
8pm-10pm: SECS Benefit Concert
Red Herring, 1209 W. Oregon, Urbana
Come out and share a night with fellow music and Earth lovers at one of the hippest spots in town! Proceeds will benefit the University YMCA and their funding of SECS projects toward a more sustainable Earth. $5 suggested donation. Stay tuned for the official lineup of local CU bands. Doors open at 7:30pm. List of bands include Ashland,
The Ars Nova, Illini Contraband, Justin Rondon, and Alec's Band..
Friday, April 25:
12n-1pm: ISTC Sustainable Seminar Series – Agricultural Plastics: Progress and Barriers in Closing the Loop
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, SJW conference room, 1 E. Hazelwood Drive, Champaign, IL
Presented by Roger Springman - Agricultural Plastics Consultant (Madison, WI)
Plastic provides agriculture with many options to cost-effectively store commodities, ensile forage, contain fertilizers/pesticides, protect crops, etc. But, at the end of its life cycle, agricultural plastic is more likely to become a waste than a resource. What is happening? Why hasn't more progress been made? Are there any technologies or break-throughs on the horizon? This seminar will examine the current state-of-the art and offer directions for the future. If you cannot attend the event at ISTC, view the webinar live by registering at The webinar will also be archived on www.istc.illinois.edufor later viewing.
3pm-6pm: SECS Veggie Burger Cook-Off
Illini Grove Pavilion
Spend an afternoon outside with the SECS Sustainable Landscapes & Food project group! Each team or individual enters their recipe into the competition for best Earth Week veggie burger of 2014. Grills will be available for use at Illini Grove. Remember to keep it veg and be creative - no store bought burgers, please! Even if you're not competing, come hang out with us and some locally donated snacks. Make sure to sign uphere. so we know you're competing! Full list of rules here.
5:45pm: Build-a-Bike Raffle
Must be present to win
You’ve waited all week – it’s time to draw the winner of the Build-a-Bike! Built with love by the SECS Earth Week team and the patient guidance of the Campus Bike Shop, this beauty will be matched with its new owner when the raffle winner is drawn. Your journey in sustainable transportation can begin immediately as you join us on the Bike Face Friday Ride!
6pm-7pm: Bike Face Friday Ride
Leave from Illini Grove
Bike Face enjoys a group bike ride through town every Friday – and this week you can join them! Meet us with your bike (and helmet) at Illini Grove and we’ll tour the streets of Champaign-Urbana with this bike-lovin’ RSO!
Saturday, April 26:
9:30am-2pm: Prosperity Gardens Workday
Prosperity Gardens, First Street, Champaign, IL
Looking for a hands-on way to give back to Mother Earth? Join us for this volunteer workday at one of Champaign’s fastest growing urban farms. We’ll get a tour of the garden sites and help out with preparing for the busiest time of the year – growing season. Lunch will be provided. RSVP Required online.