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to do list for Tom

Posted by Morgan White on September 2, 2011

Hi Tom,

Amy Allen will be our contact with the SSC this year.  She and I are sitting in my office, and sending you this email about first steps. Please do the following, and let us know if you have questions.

1)      Summarize the history from last year.  DUE 9/12/11

a.       Ask James Hoffer to give you the contact information from each of the five teams last year.

b.      Ask James for the documentation of what they were told to accomplish for the $500. - There is a concern that the work completed was not the work requested, and therefore the funding is not approved yet.  If we can get details of what James told the groups they had to do for the funds, then we could compare their final reports with the expectations.

c.       Ask James for the copies of their final submittals. - The actual reports from the teams may have had additional information, not just what was on the small excel files I have seen.  Please get a copy of those excel files, and any other materials the teams provided to James last spring.  Did they use the sample assessment form from the Training Manual?

d.      Make a list of all the buildings they did, and note if any of them do not need additional data gathering.

e.      Write a brief opinion, based on your data gathering: did the teams do what they were supposed to do for the money?

2)      Finalize the to do items for each team for each building.  Write a charge letter for the teams.  DUE 9/30/11 - but get a draft by 9/19/11

a.       Take the to-do list you created from James' manual, with Dean's notes about the F&S shop that would handle it.  Remove the items that
are not on our list of selected items to review.

b.      This is the list of selected items to review, per our notes this summer: "We're going with electronics, lighting, faucet aerators and running toilets, and weather stripping for student tasks."

c.       Draft a charge letter for the teams, based on the to do list. We can talk about this more once you are ready to dig in.  Basically, this needs to document what the teams have to do in order to earn the money.  We agreed to give them $150 per building.

3)      Solicit 4-7 teams. DUE 9/30/11 - for asking them in the first place...

a.       Take a look at who worked with James last year, and ask them if they want to participate this year.  You can let them know that the process is being revised, and you can try to avoid the question about the funding from last year.

b.      (If they want more details about last year's money, tell them you will ask me.  Then send me an email and copy them.)

c.       Reach out to other RSOs that may want to participate this year. For starters there is a huge list of RSOs on the Illini Union's website. You can grab president emails from that site somehow, and send a big email, or you could pick and choose RSO's that you think would be interested.  Amy can also give you suggestions.

d.      Draft an email explaining this opportunity.  Amy, Dean, and I will review the email before you send it.

We will have plenty more to do after this part.  We will need to hold a meeting with all the teams, Dean, Amy, you, and me.  We will need to identify which buildings each team will review, and a process for evaluating their reports such that they can be approved for the funding. We will need to get estimates of the costs, so the teams can prioritize the work to do based on the funding from Dean's office.

It would be good to make a networked folder for all these materials, if James didn't already create one.  We really need more organization this
time, and I have every confidence that you can take care of that. 

Please send me and Amy your schedule.  We would also both like to be copied whenever you send any emails about this program.  Let us know if
you have any questions!!!
