Ohio State Tailgate: https://www.nrdc.org/sites/default/files/collegiate-game-changers-OhioState-case-study.pdf
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State Farm Center
Projects at this location
Project | Description |
State Farm Center: LEED Gold |
The State Farm Center was awarded the LEED Gold Certification on July 16, 2018, having achieved 70 of the 110 possible points on the LEED Scorecard. Quercus, as the sub-contractor to AECOM, worked closely with Turner/Clayco was the LEED AP on the pr |
Intensive Longitudinal Analysis of Health Behaviors: Leveraging New Technologies to Understand Health Behaviors |
This program aims to provide funding to encourage research projects that seek to explain underlying mechanisms and predict health behaviors within individuals over time utilizing intensive longitudinal, within-person protocols that leverage recent advances in mobile and wireless sensor technologies and big data analytics. |
Mobile Monitoring of Cognitive Change |
This program invites applications to design and implement research infrastructure that will enable the monitoring of cognitive abilities and age, state, context, or health condition-related changes in cognitive abilities on mobile devices. |
Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers (EHS CC) |
The NIEHS Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers (EHS CC) Program is intended to bring together investigators currently funded by NIH or other Federal or non-Federal sources to enhance the effectiveness of existing research and extend the focus of research for the environmental health sciences. |
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) |
NIEHS is one of the 27 research institutes of NIH. The mission of the NIEHS is to discover how the environment affects people in order to promote healthier lives. Grants awarded by the Institute cover a broad range consisting of the following topics in general: Conditions and diseases, Environmental agents and Population research. |
Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) Climate Action Plan |
The Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) is interested in forming a climate action plan for their unit to support the 2015 Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP). Masters student in CEE, Gopal Pareek, is working with sustainability staff to draft a climate action plan targeted to DIA-specific opportunities. |
RecycleMania |
RecycleMania is a friendly competition and benchmarking tool for college and university recycling programs to promote waste reduction activities to their campus communities. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is participating in RecycleMania in 2014 with a Game Day Event on February 26 and an e-Waste Collection on March 18. |
Zero Waste Gameday Challenge Spring 2014 |
The Climate Action Plan includes a commitment to adopt a Zero Waste Policy campus. Campus is working toward Zero Waste with the report done by Marcus Ricci last year, waste characterization audits through the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, and hiring a Zero Waste Coordinator under the Waste Management Coordinator, Tracy Osby. However, ultimately the only way to really achieve Zero Waste is by getting behavior change in individuals. |
Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) Climate Action Plan
Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers (EHS CC)
Intensive Longitudinal Analysis of Health Behaviors: Leveraging New Technologies to Understand Health Behaviors
Mobile Monitoring of Cognitive Change
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
State Farm Center: LEED Gold
Zero Waste Gameday Challenge Spring 2014
Project Updates
Gopal Pareek presented a proposal for DIA to join the Green Sports Alliance to Brett Stillwell, with the attached files. Brett indicated willingness to join and committed to completing the application for a standard membership ($500).