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Noyes Laboratory

505 South Mathews Avenue
61801 Urbana , IL
United States

Projects at this location

Project Description
Indoor Bin Update

This project will improve the recycling process in buildings around campus by encouraging sustainable actions and improving the layout of waste and recycling bins within these buildings. Facilities & Services collaborated with ISTC to make an “Indoor Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Assessment”. This assessment determined that the type and layout of collection containers in buildings across campus should be standardized.

LED Exit Signs

As part of the iCAP and LED Campus initiatives at the University, incandescent and flourescent bulbs in Exit Signs are being replaced with LEDs. This is part of the LED Campus commitment to replace all interior wayfinding fixtures on campus by 2025.

ICECF 2008 Lighting Retrofit

The ICECF 2008 Lighting Retrofit was the first round of the T-12 to T-8 Lighting Retrofit Project. A total of 52,810 T-12 fixtures were replaced with thinner, more energy effiecient T-8 fixtures. This will incur a total Annual KWh  Savings of 8,630,641 hours. Thirty-one university buildings were involved in this round of the project. The total Simple Payback is estimated to be 2.13.

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