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- 4.5 Implement the campus bicycle plan
- 2015 Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP)
Key Objective: 4.5 Implement the campus bicycle plan
The 2015 iCAP, chapter 4, objective 5, is "Implement the Campus Bike Plan on the schedule noted in that plan. Notable deadlines include full implementation of new bikeway facilities by FY25, bike parking within 150 feet of every building in the core of campus by FY20, and bike rentals by FY20."
Associated Metric
4.5 Percent of Proposed Bikeway Facilities Installed
Potential Strategies
This campus is currently designated as a bronze level Bicycle Friendly University, by the League of American Bicyclists.[1] Campus should implement the 2014 Campus Bicycle Plan.[2] The plan outlines a five-step strategy (the Five E’s) to improve bicycling to-and-from and on-campus.
The Campus Bicycle Plan includes specific objectives surrounding the overall effort needed. Notable deadlines include full implementation of new bikeway facilities by FY25, and bike parking within 150 feet of every building in the core of campus by FY20.
Implement a Bike Sharing Program
Currently, iSEE is investigating options for implementing a campus-wide bike sharing program.[3] Small-scale departmental bike share programs are feasible and cost-effective. They allow faculty, students, and staff to travel around campus during the workday without using a car. Campus could develop guidelines and best practices to make it easier for individual departments to either start their own bike share program, or to buy into a campus-wide bike sharing program. A promotional campaign could be conducted to encourage more departments to participate, with the goal of increasing the number of departmental bike-sharing bikes from the current level of 15 bikes to a goal of 60 bikes by FY20. Additionally, campus could continue to work with community partners to explore the implementation of a community-wide public bike sharing program.