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Arbor Day Celebration to be alternate format

Posted by Morgan White on March 23, 2020

Hello Tree Campus USA Committee,

Thanks to those of us who were able to join the web-call this morning.  Here are brief notes about our discussion and next steps:

  • I shared that the Arbor Day Foundation has removed the requirement for a proclamation and celebration this year.  We discussed options and decided to still do something online for Arbor Day.
    • Andrew is going to talk with Mike Brunk about the process he had gone through for the proclamation, and let us know if he thinks we should proceed this time with trying to get a proclamation signed by the mayors and chancellor.
    • I am going to take the lead on identifying something that we can do online this spring.  Please send me any suggestions you have. Here are some we discussed this morning:
      • Jay suggested an infographic
      • Meredith suggested a connection to the Earth Month Bingo event that iSEE is hosting
      • I suggested sharing information about how to plant a tree
      • Kevin suggested including information about how to trim trees for private property
      • The Arbor Day Foundation sent the note below after our call, and they intend to provide some resources for ideas
  • Kevin and Ryan shared that their staff are not at work now, with the exception of a few employees watching the trees for safety purposes.

Our next group meeting is April 27 at 9am, but we will be in touch during the next few weeks to finalize plans for April 24th.

Thank you,

Message from the Arbor Day Foundation: