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Weekly Update

Posted by Sarthak Prasad on January 28, 2019

All, Last week picked up a little. Sold a refurb bike—first of the year! Sold a B-a-B as well.

I interviewed two potential staffers last week as well. They’ve both been volunteering for 10+ hours at the Bike Center and pretty excited about what we do and working here.

I also got some feedback from former student staff about the manual I’ve been working on, as well as feedback from TBP. It’s pretty close to ready for distribution.

I’ve got a backlog of safety checks to perform this week on bikes that the student staff have been churning out so far this semester. Unfortunately the weather isn’t helping.


Visitors: 41
Sales: $397.50

Memberships: 1 for $30

Refurb Bikes: 1 for $190
B-a-Bs: 1 for $69



Jake Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Manager