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'UI Bikes' LINC Class (Completed)

Project History

  • 3/5/2016

    These files were on the now-closed bike wiki.

  • 9/23/2013

    This semester there are 7 students registered for the LINC UI Bikes Section  and 2 project managers. Their main project involves thinking of innovative and creative ideas for increasing the number of registered bikes on campus.

Project Family

Associated Collections


Each semester, Facilities & Services works with the Learning in Community (LINC) program as a project partner for the UI Bikes course section. Working closely with the Campus Bicycle Coordinator, students learn about cycling issues on campus including planning, infrastructure, safety, education, and enforcement. 


LINC is an interdisciplinary, inquiry-guided service-learning course in which teams of students work on projects proposed by community partners. Each section of the course is dedicated to a nonprofit organization that has proposed one or more projects of importance to the organization. 

Early in the semester students will meet a representative from a partner organization, learn more about the organization and its mission, and begin a semester project that addresses the needs of the organization. Throughout the semester students will identify and explore topics that will assist them with the execution of the project. The semester concludes with a public poster presentation in which teams present the accomplishments of the project, value added to the community organization, and lessons learned. As a result of this course students can expect to improve project skills and to contribute to an important problem that benefits the community.

Project Team

  • Project Leader:

    Amelia Neptune
