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Green Roof on KCPA (Completed)


A pilot green roof plot was proposed to be installed at the Krannert Center for the Performing Artis. This would be a 960 square foot installation that would be of much lower cost and have much lower maintenance requirements as compared to the University's first installation at the Business Instructional Facility.The project levered significant external funding and helped Krannert effectively fundraise for the installation. Green roofs also have apositive impact on air quality, reduce storm water runoff, decrease building HVAC energy use, increase roof lifetimes, provide valuable habitat and improve aesthetics. The Student Sustainability Committee allocated $12,500 toward the installation of the roof.

Funding Sources

Funding Source Total Amount Approved Total Amount Spent
$12,500.00 $0.00
Totals $12,500.00 $0.00

Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Valerie Oliveiro


  • Approved May 26, 2010


Project Location(s)

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