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Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) (Ongoing)

Project History

  • 2/19/2019

    iSEE will provide up to $1,000 toward trophies, printing costs, and/or the software needed for building monitors in support of Eco-Olympics t

  • 5/10/2018

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on May 10, 2018, to discuss and start the assessment of the SWATeam recommendation, Trans008 Mode Share Survery. The iWG's draft comment on the recommendation was:

Project Family


The 2015 iCAP, chapter 12, objective 1 is, "Create a hub for the sustainability community: to develop a comprehensive online gateway for faculty, staff, students, potential donors, and all interested parties to find information about sustainability research, education, outreach, initiatives, and operations." In the quest to become a pre-eminent research university with a land-grant mission and global impact, integrating sustainable practices in our research, classes, and buildings – every facet of campus – is a necessity and has been identified as a priority by our students and faculty.

We were excited to take another major step in that effort with formal establishment of the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment – iSEE – and the appointment of a permanent director, plant biology professor, Evan DeLucia. This is one of the first recommendations that came out of the 2013 Visioning Future Excellence conversations and was also identified as a goal in the campus strategic plan. The institute will serve as a research and educational hub for environmental and sustainability initiatives for the entire campus community.


The Institute mission has three interdependent directives: (1) To foster actionable, interdisciplinary research to address fundamental challenges in sustainability, energy and environment, (2) To provide national and international leadership in sustainability, energy and environment through interdisciplinary education and outreach activities, and (3) To develop and implement strategies for a sustainable environment.

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Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Jenny Kokini

    Project Leader:

    Evan DeLucia


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