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University of Illinois at Chicago (Ongoing)

Project History

  • 12/10/2013

    UIC's Chancellor's Committee on Sustainability and Energy (CCSE) is tasked with making recommendations to Chancellor Allen-Meares on sustainability and energy related topics to maintain our campus's climate commitments.


The University of Illinois is a multi-campus system.  The Chicago campus (UIC) is a sister campus with a sustainability office of their own.  

According to the mission on the UIC Office of Sustainability website, "The University of Illinois at Chicago, as part of the local and global community, strives to be a responsible steward of the environment. As such, UIC seeks to minimize its environmental impact both now and in the future, consistent with the financial and social viability of the institution and the relevance of its academic programs. Through its academics, research and operations UIC will create a campus environment in which sustainable practices and policies are visible and evident to all." 

There are some items in the 2010 iCAP that are under the purview of the University system, rather than an individual campus.  These items can be addressed in collaboration with the other campuses.  It is also helpful to keep in contact with the UIC Office of Sustainability, as well as the sustainability contact at the Univeristy of Illinois at Springfield, to be able to share resources and ideas with our sister campuses.

Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Cindy Klein-Banai
