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Pipe Leakage Assessment (Completed)

Project History

  • 1/20/2020

    Water purchased from IAWC:                                                     797,775 kgals

  • 9/27/2019

    We can calculate the difference between what was billed, and what was purchased for potable water on campus. The difference could be made up of several things:

    • Leaks


 In order to achieve the next potable water conservation goal of reducing use by 40 percent from 2008 to 2025 the University has begun to look at the 63 miles of water distribution lines which provide potable water to the campus. The Utilities division performed a survey of the water lines owned by the university in May 2012. This survey determined where there are undetected water main and water service leaks in the university system which will allow unaccounted for flow to be reduced and conserve water and money. The survey found 19 leaks, which the Utilities division has already begun addressing. The five worst leak locations were repaired as of April 12, 2013, resulting in an approximate 35,000 kgal/day savings in water usage.

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